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Lee McNelly

for all those youngins and foolish oldsters who go play davy crocket in the woods w 17 cal and or their favorite glock dinosaur killer

the bears and not those from chicago either will be in the woods from a short winter hibernation and they wont be in a good mood either along w being hungry

so be cautious and take enough gun or rosaries
Too funny! Rosaries?? For the life of me, I didn't know bears were Catholic!

Am I supposed to be afraid to go into the woods because there might be wild animals there?? :rolleyes: I say, let them be afraid of me instead. Last bear I saw in the woods was quickly covering the 100 or so yds of open ground between him and the trees at an impressive pace. Uphill, no less. Showed uncommon good sense on his part.
Didn't a Rabbi try to convert a bear????

Recalling the old joke about who could convert, a Minister, Priest or Rabbi.

When hiking in the Cascades, I always carried something, 5" .45 or 4" 357Mag.

One set of trails covering the old railroad grade had berries growing both sides of trail and plenty of bear scat steaming on trail, or paw prints in mud next to it.

Never had a problem and only time I saw a bear was when it lifted it head from behind a fallen trunk and eating something. Wasn't me and i executed a strategic maneuver. After all I was just visiting.
I was going on six years old when my grandparents bought 150 acres with a gentle valley which was locally known as "rattlesnake valley". My safety instructions were, "Don't walk where you can't see your feet." My grandfather said he could always tell when I'd seen a rattlesnake: I'd stop, make a circle, and continue on my way.

Never did get bitten.

You tell a kid the reason why he should be careful, and 99% of the time it all works out just fine. And, after all, less danger from bears than from stupid drivers...
What no lions & tigers to worry about,The fools with the 22LR. is what scare the fuzz out of me.
They go into the woods to go potty.

I have seen that commercial on TV..Question is--They live in a house ,but go into the woods to go bathroom??? And they use charmin too..:D

I do believe he has a good point though. But i have been hunting Yotes for 4 weeks now and have not seen one yet. If i go into the woods im going to pretend im hunting bears,That way i know im safe:D God do I suck at hunting.
If i was a pilgrim--I would be dead.
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for all those youngins and foolish oldsters who go play davy crocket in the woods w 17 cal and or their favorite glock dinosaur killer

the bears and not those from chicago either will be in the woods from a short winter hibernation and they wont be in a good mood either along w being hungry

so be cautious and take enough gun or rosaries

...........just what I need this late winter and early spring while scouting for turkeys and hunting for sheds. A bunch of paranoid folks wanderin' around in the woods with bear cannons.:rolleyes:
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