WARNING!!! SB23 for Missouri?!?!?!


New member
A friend pointed this out to me today.. it was found in the Kansas City Star and was also shown on Fox 4 news in Kansas City. If you live in Missouri.. this is especially for you.

Weapons Proposal

The sale or possession of assault weapons would be illegal in Missouri under legislation filed Friday by Sen. Harry Wiggins of Kansas City.
"It is clearly time to institute a statewide ban on these vicious engines of destruction." Wiggins said in a prepared statement. The Democrat hopes his measure will be debated during the 2000 legislative session, which begins in January.
Wiggins' proposed ban would cover automatic and semiautomatic weapons. Missourians who owned the weapons before August 2000 could keep them if they obtained a certificate of possession from the Department of Safety by August 2001. After that, assault weapons could be only sold to military and law enforcement officials.
Three states have similar laws, Wiggins said, and his measure is modeled after a law in Connecticut.

Guys.... this is serious crap... Other states are following the lead of CA. I never thought this could happen to Missouri.. our state is a relatively pro gun state. But even then... it does not matter. If you are from Missouri and reading this.... I hope to hell you help me and others take on this fight and strike it down before it becomes too big for us to handle. If you havent joined Missouri CAN.. please consider it.. its a way we can help each other fight against these unconstitutional laws.

MOCAN operator
Wiggins was a County (computer) auditer years ago.... & I see that his "Jerk" level is still high....I did not know that he really got himself elected..... must have paid for it......send letters NOW!!

attack now!!!!!!! I have.......

I cannot get his office (obviously answered by cronys) to provide his definition of "assault weapons" and to provide information as to what damage these "vicious engines of distruction" are/is inflicting on the state of Missouri....

as the KC Star and St. Louis papers are not informing us, the little people, about the damage and the dangers......
All ready called My county central committee and going to call my State Senator and Rep tomorrow "going to cut this nut of at the pass" Guess I need to write a few poison pen letters too.
Well, at least there's less chance for massive voter fraud when a few legislators are voting rather than the whole electorate at Dem-controlled ballot boxes. Seems to me the vote fraud state has been pretty anti-gun. Hope the NRA helps yous guys - I'm sure they will
I mean this as no personal offense to Missourians....
But....ya'll are known throughout the Nation as the "Voter Fraud State"...

Any bill further limiting and curtailing personal rights and liberties is suspect....beware, your corrupt pols will sell you into slavery.

At least Cali pols are open about their socialistic leanings

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Could'nt we set up some sort of alert/mailing list that would send emails to us when things like this happen so that not only the people in the state can email and call their state and local reps. but also people from other states especially neighboring states could write and call and threaten to not visit the state ect... If a large amount of people started cancelling fishing trips and pulling the tourist money state reps, will listen. Talk about the domino effect, each state that falls makes it easier for the next. I know the NRA has fax alerts but it would also help if a lot of the large gun related sites on the net linked up. There might be something like this already in place. Not to long ago I joined C.A.N We really need to start sticking together. No offense to Canadians but I'll be damned before we head down that road.

P.S. Sorry if I am ranting but I am getting tired of this.

[This message has been edited by Keeper (edited November 15, 1999).]
God help you guys if they get a leg hold. Once that happens it don't leave many options, and brings you that much closer to the Final Option. Our courts out here just duck the issues, one day they will zig when they should have zagged.

Best of Luck
Kalifornia Kommando.

PS buy as much as you can, just in case.
Advise from Conneticut. Dont even give this jerk 1/16th of an inch. Nip him in the bud.
If he gets even a little hold, you are done for. Assault rifle = all semi auto rifles
except 3 shot Remington 7400 and many pistols as well.Assault shotgun = any shot gun, pumps too, that hold more than 3 shots. They can list any gun they want on the ban list, even after the list is law,whenever they please, and make a whole new bunch of gun owners into criminals.Your gun dealers really wont like it.One of the ways the law was enforced in Conn. was by arresting gun dealers caught selling banned guns that they had stocked in
inventory before the law was a law. And of course there is the registration which is a prelude to Konfiscation.After the law is passed, it is a real pain to drive to another state to sell your "assault rifle".Vote for Republican pro-gun canidates or suffer!The very best luck, you will definately need it &
I heard this futz on the radio this morning someone needs to pin his "definition" down he dosent know what he is talking about or he is pandering.
Yeah I also heard it on the radio.. the idiot doesnt even know what an assault rifle is. He just calls them "engines of destruction". Typical liberal.
What ever happened to Harold Volkmer? I don't know of his reputation among his former constituants, but I do recall that he was one of the few Dems that never fell in lockstep with Klinton & Ko. as far as gun control. If he is still a public persona, maybe he would be quite interested in helping derail this absurd proposal.
Harold Volkmer, every firearms owner's friend , passed away a couple of years ago. His wife finished out his term. He truly listened to his constituents. That's why he kept getting re-elected.