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New member
The First NoVA/MidAtlantic TFL & friends summer campout and rangefest is scheduled for next weekend, June 26 & 27.

Details of start point, SP times, routes, rendezvous locations, facilities, VIC LAT/LONG , comms frequencies and identifications will be provided to recognized/verifiable respondants by me via email.

(ps: it's a rain or shine event!)
"If you really want to know what's going on;
then, you have to follow the money trail."

[This message has been edited by Mykl (edited June 17, 1999).]
A coupla questions. Would my 10 mo old German Shepherd baby girl be welcome? She's not gun-shy. How far of a hike would the firebase be from the vehicles? Are there any ground rules? Will there be a coordination of supply purchases (food, beverages)? I'm not sure I can make it yet, but I'll let you know. If I can, there will be either 2 or 4 of us.
I wish I had a few grand to spare, there are some members I'd love to mail airline tickets to.

To be or not to be-that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them.
Walkin' Man,

I think we'd all love to have the dainty little lady on the trip. I've not addressed collective purchases as yet, as I don't expect to have an approximation of #persons and separate camps until the end of the weekend. However, am willing to share costs on bulk/multi-use items (bottled water, propane & etc.)

This is out west, in West (By God!) Virginia...

FRom:Ivan 8883 6-17-99 1055 PM EDT Mykl, I am over in Brunswick, Maryland. What part of West Virginia are you talking about for a get togethernext week? Let me Know Thanks Ivan

Eastern WV, in the mountains just west of the Shenandoah Valley. You're welcome to link up with us.
I'll be really disappointed if you guys don't just jump on Route 50 and take it through WEst Virginia to Interstate 79 (I think).. and head south to HWY 52 WEST.. it happens to lead to Portsmouth, Ohio.. Which is, of course, the site of the Celebrity Shoot that I'm having this weekend...

FREE BEER after the range closes!

(that was shameless, wasn't it?)

Seriously, Guys... Consider coming over. www.catalystpro.com/imcs


Great idea, I have sent you an email separately. Let me know what the details are and what you need from us.

Freedom is not Free
Hey Mykl...can you e-mail me some info on the get together. Would e-mail you but it isn't set up on this computer.

Thanks...Monty (GLMontyWV@prodigy.net)
(Charleston, WV)

Those of you that responded here or by email to me, have been sent the essential elements of information (EEI) for the outing via individual email messages.

If you're a late-comer, or your weekend schedule has changed & you would like to join us, send email to DC, for forwarding to me. I will subsequently arrange for the EEI to be forwarded to you.

Since it appears this thread has served its intended purpose, it will be subsequently closed.

Regards to all,

[This message has been edited by Mykl (edited June 24, 1999).]
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