Warning on shipping optics to Canada!!!!!


It appears that the USPS and US Customs do not have the same rules for shipment of Optics to Canada.

If you use PayPal or Click-n-Ship to create a paid label, part of the process is checking off a box confirming that you are not shipping and prohibited or restricted items as defined here:


But not so fast. I had a scope being shipped to Canada seized by our stalwart Homeland Security guys (US Customs) because they claim I needed an export license for it.

After hours on the phone (all you get is "we're to busy to talk to you" recordings), I handed it off to my US Senator. Doubt I'll ever see the scope as it will probably be "sold" at some Customs Auction held at 2 AM on Christmas Eve.

The meaning of those bumper stickers "I love my country, but fear my government" is getting more clear!:mad:
I actually had ITAR (international trade in arms regulations) training recently at my company. I was surprised to learn that scopes suitable for and/ or built to military standards are controlled by ITAR regulations. That means trying to send them or even prints of their components, out of the country is a no no.
I was surprised to learn that scopes suitable for and/ or built to military standards are controlled by ITAR regulations. That means trying to send them or even prints of their components, out of the country is a no no.

Pardon my apparent cynicism, please, but I'll bet "suitable for" covers all the ground there is or ever will be.
I was surprised to learn that scopes suitable for and/ or built to military standards are controlled by ITAR regulations. That means trying to send them or even prints of their components, out of the country is a no no.

I'm a little surprised as well but I understand it.
ITAR covers a lot of things you might not have thought of.

Most of the radiation work on electronic parts I do is ITAR restricted.

We cannot even send the data out of the country, or allow a 'non-US' person to see it.
After hours on the phone (all you get is "we're to busy to talk to you" recordings), I handed it off to my US Senator. Doubt I'll ever see the scope as it will probably be "sold" at some Customs Auction held at 2 AM on Christmas Eve.

They just arrested an American citizen of Russian birth here in Dallas for doing the same thing you did (except the scopes in question were night vision and going to Russia). If you get off with just losing the merchandise, I'd count yourself lucky.
We are ITAR registered and therefore ship NOTHING overseas except by way of an exporter

I wont even sell OTC to a foreigner. I wont sell anything on fleabay to someone who isnt registered in the US

WilditsmybuttAlaska ™©2002-2010
That's all nice but how would "Joe the Plumber"

ever figure out this government gobblygook where one agencies regs contridict another.
The biggest outrage I have heard so far is a father trying to send in son (a combat Marine) in Afghanistan an ACOG because the military has none. Customs seized and will not give it back or send it to his son until he pays a fine = to 100% of its retail price and gets an export licesnse! Now suppose his son is killed in the meantime ?

As a friend of mine is fond of saying: "It may be 1788, it may be 1938, but it sure as Hel- not 1958".:mad:
I would think it's a good thing considering todays conditions.
I'd hate to think the Taliban was using Leupold digital laser range finders:(
Are you really naive to think that an

organization that can take over planes, smuggle in countless terrorists, set off bombs all over the world and even convince the President of the USA that there "is no Muslim problem" can't get all the rangefinders they want ?

If so, you are on the yellow brick road to OZ!:rolleyes:
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No they do not!
They prefer the Bushnell Scout 1000 in Realtree Big rock and Little boulder pattern:p

Set the hook and reel em in:)
Are you really naive to think that an organization that can take over planes, smuggle in countless terrorists, set off bombs all over the world and even convince the President of the USA that there "is no Muslim problem" can't get all the rangefinders they want ?
Just because someone can do something doesn't mean that we should help them do it better or try to make it easier for them. If that were true then the fact that felons can often get guns illegally would mean that we should make it legal for them to purchase guns on the open market.
John, they do purchase guns on the open market,

they buy them on the street corner, You can buy all the guns you want in any American city, all it takes is MONEY.

All the BATF BS is about as successful as the "war" (LOL) on drug.

You don't really think these gang bangers are buying their fully auto MAC 10s in gunstores do you ?

Only HONEST people obey laws.
Laws can't eliminate crime but they do restrict some people based on the fear of punishment and more importantly they provide a method to punish people who do things that society finds unacceptable.

The fact that criminals can find a way around a law or simply disregard it doesn't necessarily mean that the law is pointless nor does it automatically mean that the law should be abolished. There obviously needs to be a balance between the usefulness of a law and its negative effect on law abiding citizens but it does come down to balance, not to the elimination of any laws that might possibly restrict a law abiding person.
The biggest outrage I have heard so far is a father trying to send in son (a combat Marine) in Afghanistan an ACOG because the military has none. Customs seized and will not give it back or send it to his son until he pays a fine = to 100% of its retail price and gets an export licesnse!

Got a source for that?:cool:

WildsoundssomewhathinkyAlaska ™©2002-2010
But not so fast. I had a scope being shipped to Canada seized by our stalwart Homeland Security guys

As a dude that has been over sea's in harms way for 3 years, it's good to know they are keeping any eye on these things.

Sure...."Canada" may be an ally, but with the lax immigration laws there AND here, it wouldn't be too challenging to run logistics to people who would do our troops harm.

Something to think about...
Can"t get it in Canada

I am a expat US citizen, retired US Navy living in Canada and it pisses me off that I can not order brass, bullets, rifle parts, and optics from the US. When did all this bull**** start? All these stupid laws do, is that, it keeps folks like me from being able to pursue their shooting hobby. When I can get any of the above it is double in cost because of all the bull**** paperwork, leves and fees the vendors in Canada have to put up with before they can even sell me one piece of imported brass.

Cheers&Tighter Groups: Eaglesnester:mad:
+10 on that

The idea that anyone in Customs is going to keep terrorists from getting whatever they want is a joke. It has never worked and never will unless you want to live in a Nazi Germany controlled police state and even there it didn't work.... ask Reinhard Heydrich !:barf:
eaglesnester I am a expat US citizen, retired US Navy living in Canada and it pisses me off that I can not order brass, bullets, rifle parts, and optics from the US. When did all this bull**** start? All these stupid laws do, is that, it keeps folks like me from being able to pursue their shooting hobby.
It started when you moved to Canada.:rolleyes:

Don't blame it on us, Canada has some pretty funky gun laws too
The idea that anyone in Customs is going to keep terrorists from getting whatever they want is a joke. It has never worked and never will unless you want to live in a Nazi Germany controlled police state and even there it didn't work.... ask Reinhard Heydrich

Somehow I fail to see the relevance of the above to the discussion.....:rolleyes:

WildreinhardtheyrichindeedAlaska ™©2002-2010