In the double action revolvers...I prefer S&W over Ruger, Colt, in the S&W line you have a lot of options - in K frame ( medium frame ) there are the model 19's (blued or nickel) and 66's (stainless) the L frame (large) there is the 686 model (stainless) the N frame ( larger) there is the iconic model 27's and 28's ( model 27's are comparable with Colt Python in terms of quality, in my opinion)....
In the single action preference is Freedom Arms ...but if your budget can't handle that - then Colt is my choice...( my Freedom arms in .357 mag is a 4 3/4" ocatgonal barrel, premier grade ...very nice gun ! )
of all the double actions in .357 mag I own ...the N frame model 27 in a 4" is my favorite...mine is Nickel / but its a great all around gun - in and out of holster, variety of uses, or just a range gun...