Want to start in IDPA

Hello folks,

I've taken a couple of Jim Crews classes (hello to all you fellow students out there) and feel like the time is drawing near to start trying my hand at IDPA.

I'd like to know if I'm premature in doing so because I still feel like my marksmanship is only average at higher speeds. I feel I am reasonably accurate in slow-fire but still have a problem jerking the trigger in rapid fire. The sights seem to take forever to come back onto target, too.

Ryan: I don't think you'd be premature in joining the IDPA and shooting their qualifier with an affiliated club. You can compete in the Stock Service Pistol class, and you will be competing with people of similar skill levels (Marksman, Sharpshooter, Expert, or Master). I strongly encourage you to do this as IMHO, you will get to meet more experienced shooters who will generally fall all over themselves to help out a novice/new IDPA shooter. Whether you want to compete against yourself or the idea of winning a trophy appeals to you, you will learn techniques on how to shoot better and how to take care of yourself. If you have the time and money, there are several good schools that members can recommend if you're interested. Shooting IDPA, you will meet and shoot with people who have been to one (or more) of the schools and they will be happy to help you out. Good luck...hope you join and start with a local club...you won't regret it! And by the way, the more you shoot (balanced out with good dry fire/drawing/re-load practice at home), the better you'll get...the sights will get on the target quicker...
The folks that I have met shooting IDPA have been very friendly and helpful. If you aren't too self conscious about your performance, you can have a great time and improve your shooting skills at the same time. Nobody will really give you a bad time because they all make mistakes too.

Most will be willing to help you along and you may find that your training gives you an edge in some of the stages. Give IDPA a try. It is one of the better competitive shooting sports for honing your defensive skills.
Ryan, I think anytime you can shoot in a competition, it is good. IDPA rewards accuracy over speed. 100% A zone or 0 points down is not the goal though. For self-defense shooting, I've read 90-95% from several people. That's a gauge I use to tell if I'm shooting too fast or too slow.

Theres more info there on ALL aspects of timed and rapid fire then you'll digest for some time to come... enjoy.. :)

I agonized over the same thing just a few months ago, before I started shooting IDPA.

To put it simply, stop thinking about it and go do it.
Don't worry too much your first time out.
Go slow, be smooth, and don't drop your gun or shoot off a finger.
After you get comfortable, try speeding up a little.
I promise that you'll surprise yourself with how well you do.
You'll meet some really nice people who will really want to help you shoot better.
Being a Crews grad, you'll probably shoot better than some of the other folks out there.
You've had some great instruction, so don't be afraid to dispense a few pointers yourself.

I'm only a few months in myself, but I'm already wanting to go try IPSC. I'll get stomped, but trigger time is trigger time. :)

Once again, stop thinking about it and go do it. You'll never regret it.

Oh yeah, once you get settled into it, take a friend out and introduce them to IDPA as well.

What city are you in?
I just started shooting IDPA myself about one month ago. I have been shooting for many years but had never shot in any kind of formal competition. Competition is not really a good word for IDPA because once you are there and shooting, it becomes very fun. Most will tell you that it's a game not competition like bullseye shooting, etc. I have only shot in one match and I shot the qualifier/classification match last weekend. I shot a Sig. P220 .45 (SSP - Stock Service Pistol) in the match and shot in the novice class because I didn't know how I would do. I shot 4th place out of 41 shooters. (All men, they had the women in there own group) I shot as a Marksman in the classifier which is the next level up, but I truly believe that I could shoot in the next level which is Sharpshooter on a consistant basis with a little practice on smooth tactical reloads. The reloads are where I have the most trouble. I think that shooters and RO's (range officers) will go out of there way to help you and give you all the pointers you can stand. (sometimes you get to many opinions!) The main thing that you will be corrected on at first are 'Safety' issues. Things like is the gun loaded or unloaded, where the muzzle is pointed, drawing and re-holstering the weapon in a safe mannor, etc. If you want to freak some people out then start to swing the muzzle around towards the spectators. You will see people dancing the jig..... You would be warned the first time and escorted off the range if it happens more that about once. Safety is #1 at all times! If you handle yourself in a professional mannor then you will earn respect very quickly and people will jump at the chance to impart some of their knowledge on you. Just Do It! Happy shooting.
I just shot in my second IDPA match today. I didn't do very well at the qualifier last month which was my first time. But, like others have said, the other shooters were very helpful and I enjoyed it a great deal. I found out the Ken Hackathorn is a member of the club where I shoot. He is very friendly and helpful to new shooters. Today I was more nervous than the first time because I was trying harder to do better. I think I improved. It's a "hoot" give it a try.

4V50 Gary,
The IDPA club I shoot at in the SF Bay Area is held on the 3rd. Saturday each month and the Chabot Gun Club in Castro Valley:

Their web site doesn't mention IDPA yet, but it has directions etc. The 3-Gun club has mostly the same people involved.

The IDPA matches go from around 8:30am to 2:00pm, but you can contiue to use the range for practise till 5.00pm.

I started shooting IDPA in December '98 after trying IPSC for a couple of months. I had no formal pistol training but I now finish in the top half of scores (most of the time ;) ).

Don't worry about times etc. even the best shooters in the club have brain f*rts. In the last but one match two of the top shooters in the club nailed no-shoots with perfect center-mass double taps...

Hope to see you there.

Scubajim, I shoot at the same club that you do. I had to miss the first 2 matches this year but should make most of the rest. It is a very good place to shoot. Don't worry about being nervous. They say after you shoot more matches the nervousness will go away. I shot my first match at that club in 1982 and have shot at nearly every pistol match since. Maybe after I shoot a few more matches I won't get nervous any more. Bill
