Want to get into night hunting coyotes


New member
Night hunting coyotes sounds really fun and I have a few good places to go.

I have an idea of what I want but I have no idea if it would really work. I need to set up my SLR-101S for night hunting. Would like to start of simple and cheap, around $500 if possible then upgrade later on.

I was looking at a few IR scopes and IR illuminators. According to their specs, they are good for at least 200 yards. Then I read articles online saying IR scopes only work uo to 20 yards and you need high dollar 4th gen night vision scopes.

I'd like something that works out to 100 yards. Also there are red or green lights used with nprmal scopes. Not sure how well that would really work? Just kinda clueless. Any thoughts? Thanks
I'm interested in this topic as well. I'll be watching this thread.

I have researched the scope aspect of it, and while I don't think a Gen 4 night vision scope is an absolute must, a Gen 2 seems to be the ground floor for much of anything over 75 yards on a moonless night. Also I think the level of clarity you can learn to live with will dictate what Generation you feel is necessary. I have no experience with them however, just going off what I've read. Maybe someone with real experience will chime in and help us out.
Ive shot quite a few hogs with my IR scope, and it works just fine at 100 yds, and would probably work further but I am hunting in clearings surrounded by woods and not in open areas that allow for longer shots. They do have some drawbacks but you have to learn to work around them. I use some dim lights on feeders set out at 100 yds, and they allow me to use binoculars to spot movement after which I switch over to the rifle scope. If you just stare through the scope, you lose "your" nightvision pretty quick due to staring into the bright light of the scope.
All in all, the scopes work just fine though and I wouldn't hesitate to buy another.
Personally I think a good mounted red LED light on your scope or rail works best and can be had for 200 or a little less. I use the XLR 250 as a kill light and it works great. Comes with two rechargeable batteries. Ive used mine up to 200 yards or so works like a charm. Check out the predatormasters forums those guys are pros and there is hours upon hours of info there. I have learned so much from the members there and they have helped me become a much better dog hunter. Go to amazon and read the reviews on that light you wont be disappointed.