Want to buy or build FAL, need advice?

Count Glockula

New member
I am looking to either buy a FAL from DSA or ARS or have ARS assemble a kit for me. The problem is that I don't really have the money to get one right away. I was thinking that this may be a problem in that the FAL parts market might dry up in the next year or so and the Political climate might start to fail as well. I thought that I could buy a Imbel receiver and maybe a parts kit and then put the rifle together over the next year or so. Does anyone think that the availability of FAL parts and especially Imbel receivers will dry up over the next year? Are there any parts that you would suggest to buy imediately before they become scarce in the future. Anyone suggest a good place to by FAL parts kits and uppers? All advice appreciated.

Harlan at Federal Arms had Imbel receivers for $240 (dealer) and South African R1A1 parts kits for $140. Dealer's Wherehouse has them (Imbel) for $299. I bought my kit from Enterprise, mainly because it's local and I could go through all kits and select my own.

There's no telling if kits or receivers will become scarce or non-existant in the future. There seems to be periods of fat and famine regarding this stuff. It seems that parts and receivers are at a long time low right now, so buy what you need now.

You really should buy the US parts before taking posession of the parts kit and receiver or you risk being charged with "posession of an unregistered NFA weapon." I know it's a long shot, but "winning" the longshot nets you some big trouble.

I went the cheapskate route by having a smith barrel/headspace and solder on the muzzle brake. This only cost about $80 total. I did a little spray refresher of the finish (appears to have been sprayed originally) and installed the remainder of the parts. It's not an $1800 beauty, but then again, it's not an $1800 beauty.
The current cost of parts kits and recievers is about as low as it's ever going to get. My advice is to get the parts you will need now and assemble them yourself. It is'nt hard to do and the rebarrel and headspace can always be done by a smith if you don't want to learn how yourself. I think the powers that be will most likely do away with your ability to build your own befor much longer, so theres no time like the present.