Wanna Live in a Police State? Visit My School!!


New member
OK I'm pissed. This Thursday at 11:00 A.M. the principal of my high school comes on the PA and tells us that we all have to leave the school by 11:15 because of a threatening message in the girls bathroom. Okay fine. This has only happened about 300 times in the past but we should evacuate this time because of the Littleton scare. Thats ok with me. Get to school the next day. Try to go to the bathroom. Just to get to the bathroom I have to have my passbook signed by the teacher, then sign out of class on another paper, sing into the BATHROOM, where a volunteer parent is glaring at me like I'm some kind of pond scum. Then sign OUT of the bathroom. The parent then goes into the bathroom to make sure I didn't plant a bomb or write a death note. Then I sign back into class. While enroute to the head and back I was stopped FOUR times by these do gooding parents, all of who assumed that I was a criminal. But this is all OK because whoever did write that message is going to be dumb enough to do it again while we are monitoring the bathrooms, and we'll be sure to catch them this time. Oh yeah every door in the school is locked too, which we all know will stop a bad guy, since the doors are non bullet proof glass. Visitors to the school now have to sign in and wear a big yellow sticker (star shaped?). The ass. principal just about attacked my mom when she went in the other day without knowing all of the new "safety measures"

My point is, what the hell good is all of this going to do to stop this from happening in the future or even find out who did it? If they really want to find out who did it, what they should do is cancel everything. No open campus, no extra-curricular activities, no passes to the bathroom without an escort until someone is caught. Then EVERYONE gets really pissed off and someones gonna spill the beans. There is a 99% chance that more than one person knows who did this, so someone will tell if they get mad enough.

As far as stopping it from happening again, you CAN'T. Install metal detectors and bars on the windows. Fine. The old fire alarm drill seems to work pretty good. If somebody wants to do something they are gonna do it. You can't prevent it, so LEAVE ME ALONE!! I AM NOT A CRIMINAL

S*&^! Andy!

Did they stand outside the stall or next to the urinal while you were there, as well?!

I'm enough of a rebel, this kind of action would encourage me to write something on the wall, just to kick the ant pile! And then you know I'd be grinning from ear to ear as I watched all the adults scurry around. And you know why? BECAUSE I WOULD BE IN CONTROL! BAAAAaaahahahahahahahaaa!!!!!!


Seriously, if you want more criminals, just treat people as if they already were. Our government already does...


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
Organize a strike.

It will take a few days for the word to get around...so, say next Thursday for example..every kid goes to school and goes out to the athletic field and sits down. Take your lunch...no one goes to class, sit there all day and everyday until the morons get some sense. Be good, no screwing around..take walkmans and books and behave. Hang tough and you'll have TV, radio and newspaper people there in a day or two. Now your administration will really look like fools and, they will cave. Those socialist insects can't handle sunlight

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Andy, DC has an excellent idea. Discipline & organization is the key, and you MUST outclass the morons to succeed (but that just doesn't sound too hard).

Further, FWIW, I hereby dub DC Queen Lucid the First, Godess of Clarity and Light.

Best regards & good luck, M2

It might work, but I don't think enough people are willing. They really just don't care. I think very few kids in that school are even bothered by what is going on.

No they didn't stand outside the stall for me, but they were doing that in the girls bathrooms (or so I heard).


[This message has been edited by Andy (edited October 23, 1999).]
The majority of the kids are probably already brainwashed into thinking that someone else (big brother) always knows what's best for them, so why question it? Just to spoof em' out, next time you have to use the can, ask if they'll hold it for you. 'Cuz, y'know, you might feel tempted to make your own "graffiti".
Which is most of the problem with the country right now. People just don't care. I saw a bumper sticker that really hit me a few months back, it said "If you're not pissed, you're just not paying attention". Big problem is, no one is paying attention.

Ahhh...but the big question is : Has this stopped the violence? Time will tell (that it won't).

Safety or freedom. Take your pick, you can't have both (from the liberal's point of view).

- Ron V.

If this happened in any school that my kids were attending, I'd march right down there and pull them out. Home schooling would start right then and there.


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

I almost walked out but with finals next week I needed to get some stuff done.

Anyway some other stuff I forgot to mention in my original post. We have full time "hall monitors" who walk around all day with walkie-talkies trying to catch kids sneaking out and smoking, stuff like that. They also have cameras on all of the exits. Most of this is because we have open lunch for seniors, and they really don't like underclassmen sneaking out. Also, I can't access The Firing Line from school. The internet filter blocks it out because it has to do with weapons. Never mind the fact that I can get into Remmington, Browning, etc. no problem...they aren't blocked. TFL, Shotgun Sports, etc. are all blocked.


Then ya'll aren't fed up enough yet. No one, but no one likes this crap for very long, and will get sick of it.
OK, so this has gone on 2 days...give it a week...now a couple hundred kids get hassled and treated like scum.
You be smart..talk to your close friends...develop your organization...when you see enough kids are fed up and the time is right...put the word out. The very morning you decide to do it...call your local TV station, don't give any info...just say there is a disturbance at the school, lots of kids, then hang up....you don't want to give the admin time to defuse it with the media.
Once the media shows up there will be a story cuz they don't like to go away empty handed.
If media talks to you, don't come across as a radical...be a good innocent American kid and say stuff like this is not what they teach you about the Constitution and America. Don't succumb to the tempation to rant...better appear to be a sweet confused kid.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
The best advise that I can give is to learn from the mistakes of your elders. Some adults can be just as naive and childish as some children. Take it for what its worth, but if I were you, I'd find a GOOD church that accurately teaches the Bible, and home school when/if you have kids some day. For now, its your parents call as far as your hs education goes. I know that stinks, but you can't change the minds of a school full of fools. Remember, there is only ONE school that you and your family can have guns, ammo, and thefiringline.com. That school is at home. ;)

Best wishes,


"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)

[This message has been edited by EQUALIZER (edited October 23, 1999).]
Andy; How many PARENTS could you enlist who are equally outraged? DC is right that you need to draw attention to the situation, but I expect the administration would pay more attention to parents. After all, they think of you as children who know nothing, but probably think otherwise of your parents.

Better days to be,

A point I believe no one has brought up yet. Are any of these volunteer parents or hall monitors armed. I would exepect not.

So a question you should be asking your friends "Do you feel safer with these encroachments on your freedom? If a manic with a shotgun walked into school right now, how would these monitors react? Would they be able to end the madness, or just direct children to the nearest exit?"

With the climate around schools these days I wouldn't say it in school and I would be very selective who I said it around.

Peace through superior firepower...

If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."
The way to get the parents involved is for a mass sitout by the students. My grad class of 70 at Lassen High in CA was told that we would have to have graduation outside on the football field. All of the students wanted it in the auditorium. We elected our class president to give the ultimateum to our principle. That we would have it in the auditorium. Principal held an assembly for our senor class. His speech stated, if we did not have it on the foodball field, no graduation. 200+ students, said fine... then no graduation. We got up and walked out and went home. Not a one of us returned until the principal caved in, at the bequest of our parents who were raising holly hell. Our class was always unified and we never put up with any bs. We were the first class to allow the girls to wear jeans to school instead of dresses. Again this was accomplished by a major sitout by the entire school. It can happen, but you must recruit the class leaders and student body to get it done. Talk to them, find out what their feelings are. The other kids will fall in line if your class officers are behind the drill.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.

Today (Monday) went to school. Second hour the principal comes on the PA again. Another threat found in the girls bathroom. All girls that were in the auditorium bathroom between first and second hour come to the office now. No one else is to leave the building or be in the halls. At 11:30 they still aren't done interviewing everyone, but we have already missed the first lunch shift just sitting in class waiting, so they let us go to lunch. The schedule for the rest of the day is adjusted accordingly. Then at the end of the day he comes on again. ANOTHER threat has been found in the girl's bathroom. This time it is a bomb threat saying that a bomb will go off tomorrow. School is canceled for tomorrow (Tuesday). When we come back Wed. don't bring backpacks.

And thats where this is at right now.

Every one of these has been in a different bathroom each time. After they started monitoring the bathrooms and making people check in and out, the threats were placed in them during passing time between classes, and at lunch. They haven't been making people sign in during these times because so many people go in and out constantly. I guess their "security measures" are really working great huh?

The attitude of the student body is "when we find out who's doing this we're gonna kick their @$$." That's good. Everyone is sick of it. Oh well

Oh by the way this is the week of finals,(coincidence?) and we already had wed. afternoon through fri. off because it is the end of term. Now we have to take finals when we get back on Mon.


It's predictable. The kids writing the messages are in control.

There is SO much attention being paid to the situation that the pay-off for the messages is well worth the risk of getting caught.

They say "jump", and the ENTIRE staff plus the do-gooder parents do just that.

I would find it quite amusing (considering how seriously I took High School)! :)


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
Basically, I think the school is trying to achieve what many people including the media seem to demand these days: the total elimination of all risk. Anything and everything must be done if it saves only one [fill in the blank].

The rest of us realize that life has never existed without risk and can never be wholly risk-free, regardless of the multiplication of safeguards. Not even the manic meticulousness of this school can perceive, much less neutralize, all threats and anticipate all eventualities.

In sum, the school has embarked on a fool's errand that will in all probability not save even one life, yet will certainly ruin the quality of life of everyone trapped in the process. Maybe one day the school administration will come to its senses.


[This message has been edited by jimmy (edited October 26, 1999).]