Wanna do SOMETHING? Check this out...

Patrick Seeber

New member
Greetings. Another gathering is in the works. Lots of us over at AR15.com are pulling together a shooting/RKBA gathering for memorial day 2000. Here is the info on the place and preliminary goals -

*antiUSSA speaks* -
I have taken (actually been "pushed"!) into the lead on this, and I just got off the phone with the event coordinators of Pasa.
PLACE: Pasa Park - Barry, IL.
DATE: Memorial Weekend - 2000

1) On-site camping WILL be permitted in designated areas.

2) Vendors (firearms, ammo, accessories) WILL be permitted.

3) Catering WILL be provided.

4) Class-III expo/rental WILL be allowed, pending availability.


I need to start setting up meetings with range officials to hammer out the details , fees, etc. My thinking (ideally that is), would be to have ALL attendees pre-registered and actually become members of PASA with the reg fees. The standard dues are $25/individual and $50/family. I will see what I can "negotiate" that would be fair... I'm hoping that we could do something along the lines of $25/family with $5.00 going to MDA. If there is enough interest generated (AR15.com, AK47.net, TFL, Glock Talk, etc.), I would think that would be very do-able for an un-precedented event such as this!

I would also love to have on-site entertainment such as a couple of bands in the evening, guest speakers, etc.

This can ALL become reality, but YOU have to make it happen! I can only make the arrangements...

*End antiUSSA*

So that is the beginning! We are excited to be working on this project. All of you at The Firing Line are invited. We will be contacting Glock Talk, FAL Files Forum, and AK47.net as well.

As you can guess, we would need to hammer out some firm figures for attendance and to assist with cutting deals for hotels, etc.

Hopefully this will help us all. It would be nice to have the media attend and see that not one person was killed or maimed during an event of this nature. (grin) It would be nice to view all the personal firearm modifications and speak with those who also own firearms similar to ours.

Here is the link to the new thread on AR15.com: http://www.ar15.com/ubb/Forum30/HTML/000064.html

Please drop by and check it out. At this point, coordination will be taking place at AR15.com Meetings and Events forum moderated by antiUSSA.

We are asking for volunteers to assist in coordinating this event. Liasons with forums would be good. Persons local to Pasa Park would be good... And we are open to suggestions! Feel Free to email me.

Take some time to look at your calendar and your budget. There are 8 months between October and May - If you start now, $100 per month should allow almost anyone to attend from anywhere in the continental US!

You won't want to miss this... I guarantee it!

Patrick Seeber
I don't know where Barry is but if it's in IL I ought to be able to find it. Are we talking about just AR15s here?


"Hey you, let's fight!"
"Them's fightin' words!"
Hey Gwinnydapooh,

No, not just AR15s - It's open to ALL firearms, all forums, all peoples and races .... It's open.

We are hoping to have such events as the coolest drool causing firearm (does NOT have to function), the ugliest firearm, the best looking FUNCTIONAL firearm... as well as oportunities to compete in some "Gun Games"

Got off the phone with antiUSSA this morning. I guess that I didn't really understand the size of Pasa Park - It must be MANY acres to this place - He mentioned a BIKE-athalon trail, 20 some odd ranges of various distances, space for vendors, space for "show and shine" of old or very rare arms, camping facilities...

Apparantly it's HUGE and available Memorial Weekend 2000 - That would be May 29th, 2000.
The owners of Pasa Park are VERY excited about this potential gathering.

Tell a friend, BRING a friend...
It's gonna be a blast!

I will post more details as they break.