Walther PP safety stuck fast!


New member
I inherited my Uncles pistol. It's a pre war Zella Mehlis PP with the Crown N mark.

He was a merchant seaman and brought it back along with a flap holster and belt.

The pistol is in excellent shape for it's age but the safety is stuck in the up or fire position....I have not tried to force anything....anyone have an idea of how to fix it?...Thanks, JJ
The safety plunger is in the same hole as the extractor spring and extractor plunger. That hole gets gummed up with old oil, lint and dirt. This can lock up the safety selector.

Remove the extractor by pushing its detent into the hole and pulling the extractor out. Next fish out the extractor plunger, spring and safety plunger. With the safety plunger out of the way you should be able to remove the safety.

Clean the grime off all the parts and the hole. Then lube and reassemble in reverse order.
Many years ago, outside Buckingham Palace, a retired London Metro Politan Police Inspector acting as a Body Guard, to Princess Margaret was accosted by an attempted assassin, his PPK fired one round, the magazine-sized up would not feed the next round! A young chap (an Amature Boxer) walking by, knocked this criminal out!

The magazine had apparently never been fired, just left loaded for years the Mag Spring sized up. They carry Glock 9mm pistols now. The Royal protection detail, male and female.
The safety plunger is in the same hole as the extractor spring and extractor plunger. That hole gets gummed up with old oil, lint and dirt. This can lock up the safety selector.

Remove the extractor by pushing its detent into the hole and pulling the extractor out. Next fish out the extractor plunger, spring and safety plunger. With the safety plunger out of the way you should be able to remove the safety.

Clean the grime off all the parts and the hole. Then lube and reassemble in reverse order.
Disassembled slide but there was no grime. I really didn't do anything but take it apart and put it back together and it now works as intended.

Pistol is really in good shape...my uncle brought back a lot of stuff from the war being a merchant sailer from 42 to long after the war ended....but my Aunt Bub, an old Scot and devout Catholic, to everybody"s chagrin, made him throw away anything with a swastika on it! The belt that the PP came with has the buckle with the inscription "Gott Mit Uns" on it

Thanks, JJ
My wife worked for ten years for an exclusive girls school in Toronto. A mere half-mile away was the boys equivalent. Gwen, a long time friend of my wife, and I obtained tickets to a stage show in the boy's school.
It was a WW11 themed production, a short time into this show, a tall slim blonde boy, in full SS uniform, wearing a black swastika on a red armband, entered the stage abruptly!
I was sitting between these two Ladys! Gwen and I found our hands had become clasped tightly together, not an ounce of breath left in our lungs.

I was born 8 miles outside Liverpool docks, in 1935. The docks were bombed to bits by the Germans. Gwen was 3 years older than me. And spent the war in London.

Gwen's house was demolished, whilst the family were ensconced in an underground shelter in the garden. We were living in a Pub in Prescot, 10 miles from the Liverpool Docks, and one mile from a so-called secret Airfield, full of Spitfires (Secret from two 8-year-olds?) my mates family, and Eddy did not survive the war.
Penetrating oil

In my experience few things are better. A liberal dousing or even a dunk really helps, warmth and the tincture of time will also help. Good idea to remove grips.