Walther PP Help


New member
My uncle was a Merchant Seaman during WWII and I inherited his PP bringback including a full flap holster and belt with "Gott Mitt Uns" buckle.

The pistol is probably NRA excellent and on the left slide has the Walther banner and Waffenfabrik Walther, Zella Mehlis (Thur) Walthers Patent Cal 7.65 Mod PP.

On the barrel hood is a Crown N stamp and on the right frame is the serial # 1875 ** P. Black plastic grips with Walther banners. There are no Waffenampts or Nazi markings as my Aunt made him discard anything he brought back that had a swastika on it :(

I did fire some 32 ACP years ago but the pistol has languished in the safe with only an occasional wipe down.

First problem; the safety is stuck in the up or fire position and obviously not willing to try to force it need opinions on how to fix it.

Second, he only had one magazine. Are replacement mags available somewhere?

Thanks for any advice...JJ
Yes, mags are available. I have purchased from Triple K. Happy with their product, but they are not the only ones. You could also check Gunbroker and similar sites.

Have you field stripped the pistol? Google the PP for instructions. Give the whole thing a good cleaning and a little oil. Use some penetrating oil on the frozen safety. If this doesn't do the trick, get it to a good gunsmith. Or, given that this is a valuable pistol, just take it to a smith and have him give it a checkup. Worth the money. The safety is also the decocker, definitely not optional.

I really enjoy my PP. Pretty stiff DA trigger, but pleasant and accurate in SA.
There is a dent pin and spring that holds the safety in place. Disassemble and clean. Look for wear and repair as needed. Oil it up good and reasemble. Probably dried oil and residue holding the safety lever from moving.

This sounds a lot easier than it really is. I have done it, but I also replaced every spring in the gun too.