Walther P99 frame crack


New member
I hear a lot people talking about the cracks on their frames on their P99 or SW99. Got a few questions about it.
How bad and big are these cracks? Is it enough to pose a hazard? Have you contacted Walther to see if problem is addressed? For those who have these cracks, can you tell me the first digit of your serial number and how many digits is the whole sn. Could the OD frames be better?

The reason why I ask all this is because I want to buy one but after hearing about the fram cracks, slide lock issue, ..
flimsy polymer frame, plastic guide rod (shouldn't all quality guns have atleast a metal guide rod?), .. blah blah blah.. I am starting to have secound thoughts. It just hurts to hear all this because it is such a sweet looking thing so I hoping maybe its not that bad.

CDNN is dumping P99 (9mm & 40SW) for $399. Clearly these pistols are not selling well and not living up to the marketing (P99 used to sell for around $600).
P99 is apparently STILL selling well in Georgia at around $580. I have two, and have had none of the problems noted in your post. The trigger was bothersome to me when I purchased my first, but I've grown accustomed to it. I'd recommend the P99 if you're considering it for a carry piece because I carry one of mine every day.........Dan in GA
The cracked frames on the P99 probably are a similar situation to the "cracked framed Sigs" or the "unsupported chamber kabooms"! A few isolated incidents that people make a whole lot of nothing over! I have two Walther P99's that I 've shot quite a bit with no problems.

The CDNN Walthers are all DAO--yuck! I suspect that is the real reason they are so cheap. Standard and QA Walthers are still high.
CDNN Investments is at 1-800-588-9500. They are advertising the P99 at $400 for either the black or stainless slide on a green frame in either 9mm or 40 S&W(or 40 Auto to be more patriotically correct).

Their web site is http://www.cdnninvestments.com, and you can download their current catalog with these ads from there, but they don't advertise firearms on that site.
My friend tried to purchase a P990 (the P99 DAO) from CDNN investments last week and was told they sold out of them almost immediately. Apparently they got a volume deal on a lot of silver slided P990 and that is why they sold them so cheap. (Not because they are dumping them.)

The plastic guide rod concerned me at first, but after 1500+ rds, I haven't had a problem with my P99. Besides the guide rod is under a lot less stress than other plastic parts in this gun and other polymer pistols.

As for the slide lock problem, apparently this occurred on early .40 cal models, and has since been rectified. I have never had a problem with my 9mm P99 slide locking back, and I have had many novice shooters try the gun w/o issue.

I have read that the P99 initially had problems with ammo sensitivity, (i.e. it would not cycle Winchester white box), but a slightly lighter recoil spring has been installed in later models. I've shot approx 1000 rd of Win white box w/o problems. For reference my Serial is 0031XXX.

The trigger may be a problem to some, The DA pull is long. If you are used to a DA revolver though you will have no problem getting used to its trigger. Also cleaning the striker and putting a small amount of oil on the trigger pin, will give you an extremely smooth trigger pull.

In SA, the trigger pull is extremely short, making double taps a piece of cake.

I've read of frame cracks but never seen one myself. Rumor, fact, I couldn't tell you. I've yet to see any on mine and I hate to admit it but I have been a bit rough on it.

Despite what many will say High caps are available, but at a price. Supposedly only 2500 were made before the ban so if you come across any in the $100 range I would snatch them up. 16rds in a Glock 19 sized gun is decent capacity.

That's about all the possible bad things that I have heard about this gun. Some truth maybe, but also a lot of mudslinging. Like many guns, the P99 had problems with initial models but they have appeared to have been straightened out.

All in all, I have been very satified with my purchase. I would highly recommend this gun to others. My advice if you really like the looks of this sweet looking gun, go for it you won't be disappointed.
I hope it's not a common defect.
It is a cool looking gun, and that's a great price.
I just watched The World is Not Enough last night
on TV, and I assume that's what he was carrying,
though I don't think he actually was carrying it most
of the time. His tight suits would show a gun that big.
I was looking at the Waltehr P99 online manual and here is clip of what is says about ammo.

"If you prepare your handloads be careful, and do not exceed recommended pressures in line with those generated by standard factory loads (not +P) as manufactured by Remington, Winchester, Federal, Hornady, PMC or other reputable companies."

Does that mean the P99 is note rated for +P? Thats strange. A polymer, German engineered, used by Bond, modern weapon not being able to handle 9mm +P? What is going on here? Pair that with the frame crack issues going around and you got a, dream to hold, nightmare to have, pistol. Anyone able to clarify this +P issue? I really, really, really like this gun too. I went to the local range, got to play it more a little and man does this thing feel good in my hands. It feels like something I hold on to and not let go.
After that, I asked to look at the Glock,.. just doesn't feel right. The grip angle is different, hate the sights, hate the feel,.. if only the P99 has as good as a reputation as the Glocks in terms of reliabilty, durability, I would buy it in an instance.

Never thought shopping for a gun can get this fustrating. oh yeah, I forgot, I live in CA, .. thats why.
I think that's a liability statement. They're saying not to load your own +P ammo. It's rated for +P ammo, from Factory Ammo manufacturers.

BTW, a lot of the "frame cracks" turn out to be frame mold marks, according to Walther. I'm not discounting the fact that there may be some, but all pistols are subject to frame cracks :D.

An append from the Walther forum at http://www.carl-walther.de/englisch/forum.html

"walther e mailed me back and said there was a crack in the mold that causes this. they said this is not a crack in the frame. this will not hurt integrity of the gun"

Don't believe everything you see on the net

I STRONGLY suggest that the frame cracking thing is B.S. I have a .40 P99, my wife has a 9mm P99, and I have closely examined 4 other P99s since I read about the frame cracks. The first time I heard about it was with One's P99QA about two months ago.
The area in question is on the left side of the dust cover, along the accessory rails. On EVERY Walther I have examined, there is the same MOLDING MARK that LOOKS like a crack. It is a SLIGHT indentation of the polymer. You have to look hard to see it. But if you look closely, you'll see it isn't a crack.
Want to know another thing I noticed when inspecting all these P99's? If you look at the frame, there's a spot JUST RIGHT of the trigger return spring and JUST FORWARD of the right rear slide rail. It looks as if there's an imperfection in the molding where the steel pokes through the polymer. It is about a third of an inch long. EVERY P99 I have looked at has this same "defect" in the molding. Undoubtedly, some paranoid P99 owner is going to get worried, plaster it all over the internet as a major flaw with the P99, trade it in on a Glock 23, and claim that he's glad he's rid of that POS and that his Glock shoots 1" groups at 25 yards rapid fire. The Walther is a world class gun, end of story.
I suggest you do a search and find my post where I had a case failure in my wife's P99 9mm. It didn't even FAZE the pistol, and it even cycled the ensuing round.
How many digits are the SN on your P99(s)? Early production (4 digits) or the later ones (6-7 digits)? Do you know if the OD frames are any different with the black frames other than the color?
Well since Mylhouse has one and he is an expert, no need to search any further. The cracks were examined under a microscope by two smiths w/ the same opinion, cracked. There are lemons from every maker and I got one. Just because I didn't want to chance it again, I get flamed, yet again, by a know it all. Truthfully, the Sig 229 and the Glock 23 handle the recoil of the .40Auto much better in regard to follow up shots.


Both my 9mm and the .40 P99s have the 6 digit serial number. The .40 has the green frame and the 9mm has the black. Both are identical as far as I can tell, right down to the machine "flaws".


Tell me where I flamed you. I referenced your post as the first I've heard of this phenomenon. I've heard others on this board as well as on other boards spout this as fact without first hand experience. Kind of like with the "Sigs crack and Glocks kaboom" rhetoric. I never referred to you personally and didn't mean to, either. I was referring to the same old story I always hear. Someone has a bad experience with a gun that they wanted to like, then they flame the pistol, and inevitably talk up the pistol they traded it in for, most oftentimes a Glock. And don't think I'm a Glock hater, because I'm not. BTW, it's this know-it-all's "expert" opinion that you s$%k.