Who's got the scoop on the GERMAN version?? Fish me out some stories or experieces with it (or even hearsay). 9MM
Many postings, good and bad, on said topic. Please refer to the 'search' function in the upper right of the page.

- Ron V.

Hey SIG, I own a Walther P99 in 9mm. I love it. I also own a SIG P229 and a SIG Pro and prefer the P99 to both of them. I've put about 1300 rounds through it so far. The only time it has had a problem was with reloaded lead ammo. That was over 500 rounds ago. It has not had a jam since. It's fast trigger and low recoil make it a fun gun to shoot. It's also very accurate. I shoot at an IDPA style gun club and I am very quick with the walther. If you have any specific questions about the gun I'd be more than happy to answer them. The fact that it is the new James Bond gun is just icing on the cake.
I overpaid for mine because I bought it when it had just come out. I have a web site with the lowest price I've seen. I'm posting the address.http://members.aol.com/aapex1/index.html/#WALTHER

I was really excited about the SW99 until I test fired it. The chamber is really loose and over-expands the brass critically, just like the standard Glock .40's. This is not a complement.

Hope it works well and holds up for you SW99 owners, sincerely :)

In the November 1999 issue of Guntest, the Walther P99 and SW99 were compared and I quote "In borrowing a patent or two from Walther, it would seem that the SW99 learned everything it knows from the P99. But the P99 didn't teach the SW99 everything Walther knows about making these types of guns."
SIG : I have a P99 9MM an early imported one. the trigger leaves a lot to be desired.To me it has too long a travel, and at times feels as though it is not going to let go and fire.I have also had the trigger resist moving to the rear in condition 2(cocked long pull).A little wiggling of my trigger finger is needed to get it back where it belongs.I think it's well made and I do enjoy shooting it.I have contacted SW ,but was told they had no parts for the 9MM at that time,but they were going to handle all problems in the future.There have been some modifications that I hope to get in the near future.I presently would not use it as my carry gun ,but I won't give up on it yet.
Thanks guys, all info absorbed. Keep up the good posting, I'm reading. I already bought it (ordered it) I am just looking for comments such as the ones I'm recieving. Thanks again.
Hey Sig,
I've had mine now for a few months, and I LOVE IT :) :) :)
It is accurate (even with my bi-focaled eyes),generally eats whatever I feed it, with no hiccups. However, It does not like 124gr Speer Gold Dots,or Cor-Bon 9mm +P's. Other than that,it is a fantastic gun. Mine is now my principle carry gun,replacing my Ruger P95.


[This message has been edited by denfoote (edited December 10, 1999).]