Walther - German or US manufacture

Finally decided that the next one will be a P99. Only choice left is should I go domestic or imported. Any comments on the pros or cons of these two options would be greatly appreciated.
In the November 1999 issue of Guntest, the Walther P99 and SW99 were compared and I quote "In borrowing a patent or two from Walther, it would seem that the SW99 learned everything it knows from the P99. But the P99 didn't teach the SW99 everything Walther knows about making these types of guns." Sounds like you should go with the German version to me. :D
I would have to concur. Germans are efficient designers and builders. Amongst the best in the world. I don't think you'll go wrong with the German model. I own a German Walther P99 and I'm incredibly happy with it. It is my favorite. I also own 2 SIG's. If my Walther read, Made in the USA, I would not have bought it. I like the designers of a handgun to be the ones that build it.
I'm actually not even considering the SW99. I believe that the Walther P99 is made both in Germany as well as the US and am curious if there might be a difference in quality based on where it's produced. :)
There was a rumor awhile back that some of the .40 P99s were made in Germany, and others were made in the US, by Smith & Wesson. It turned out that the rumor was based on the eventual release of the SW99. All Walther P99s are made in Germany. The frames for the SW99 are also made by Walther in Germany. Mags are made by Mec-Gar. The 9mm mags are interchangeable. I'm not sure about the .40.

Protect your Right to Keep and Bear Arms!

[This message has been edited by Ewok (edited December 09, 1999).]
If they're all made in Germany I guess I can't go wrong. My last question would be who would handle any warranty work - Earls Repair or Smith & Wesson. Thanks for the replies.
Good choice!!
You can order your P99 from Earls Repair Shop, and have it delivered to your FFL holder of choice. He imports the entire Walther line. You can even order Hi-Cap mags as well. They are $125.00 a piece.
His e-mail address is: waltherusa@mediaone.net
His name is Earl Sheehan Jr.
Hope this helps!!
I'm facing the same dilemma myself: SW99 or P99. I prefer the P99 (after all, if it's good enough for Bond) but there are some factors that way in favor of the SW99:

warranty - one year with Walther, limited lifetime with S&W.

caliber - as I understand, Walther hasn't gotten all the bugs out of the .40 while S&W has.

Price is irrelevant here (it's only a $100 or so).
P-99 man. Go to WWW.fsguns.com . Carl may have one left. Also look at the drab green one, it's on his website.

Hmmmmmmmmm..... I wonder where the SW-99 fans are?
"Get rid of that Nickel Plated Sissy Pistol and get yourself a Glock" Tommy Lee Jones