Walter PP/k in 22 accuracy?

Prof Young

New member
So I've got about 400 rounds downrange thru my Walter PP/k in 22 LR. At three yards, with my arms on a rest, I can't do better than a six inch group. One of the clerks at the range told me he could get "quarter-size" groups with his. Oh, I've tried five different kinds of ammo and it's all the same.

Talk to me.

Life is good.
Prof Young
Unload your pistol and field strip it, shine a light down the barrel and check the rifling. Make sure the barrel is attached solidly to the frame with no play. Give the bore a good cleaning in case it's fouled.
Small pistol, not a lot to hang on to...short sight radius, rather rudimentary sights, and I'd venture a guess at a less than match grade trigger pull....

Some people can overcome these drawbacks to accuracy better than others. Ask that guy who gets "quarter size groups" if you can shoot his pistol, or at least what ammo he's using.

Heck, ask HIM to shoot yours. If HE gets quarter size groups with your gun, the problem isn't the gun...

Generally speaking, the usual reason pocket guns are not very accurate isn't mechanical, its because they are difficult to shoot well for most people.

Have a few other people shoot your gun and see what, on average, they can do with it. That will tell you if the gun needs work, or if you do. And, its not unvommon for even good shots with "regular" guns to not be as proficient with the small pocket models. Some folks are, some just aren't.

Personally, I shoot bigger guns, with better sights and triggers better than I do the small ones. It is an individual thing.
I used to win bets at the gun club shooting fired shotgun shells off the 50 foot back stop......Their 6 inch .22 Target guns against my 1980's Manurhin PPK/S .22.

The reason I usually won was my gun and ammo combination was accurate, and I strongly concentrated on the fundamentals..... trigger control, front sight focus, uniform grip, etc.

Another reason was, I psyched them out.
They just assumed the longer barrel Target gun would be a sure winner, and by the time they realized they needed to tighten up, I'd won.

As above the PP series autos were always noted for very good accuracy, but due to the size, the small sights, and the trigger they're hard to shoot well.
That's the difference between mechanical accuracy of the gun/ammo and practical accuracy of the shooter.

If you have another known shooter shoot it and he can't get better out of it, send the gun and a test target back to the factory and let them correct it on their dime.
Is it one of the newer models like this one?


If so, then try shooting it Single Action and forget that the terrible 17.5lbs Double Action Trigger exists. It's a real challenge to keep the thing on target while pulling through that awful trigger.