Walmart closing out on Suprema Buckshot


New member
My local Walmarts are closing out their Suprema buckshot for $5.00 per box of 25. I've gotten all I need, you may want to check this out.
Lucky the wife wasn't with me. I stopped in at the local Wal-Mart today and the clerk was stocking something in the fishing aisle, as soon as he saw me coming he ran over to the register and asked how much I wanted. I had intended to purchase some 380 hollow points and I joked that he should just fill it up! Turns out he knew I had purchased a bunch of the Suprema Buckshot earlier in the month and that I frequently passed by the sporting goods counter, so he had saved the last 7 boxes that came out last night to be stocked under the counter for the next time he saw me. What could I do? I bought the last 7 boxes instead of my planned purchase of the 380 hollow points and thanked him. Mind you I stop in there at least twice a week for groceries and whatever I see him often though not on a first name basis. I guess next time I stop in I'll have to buy that 380 ammo.
Stopped by the Walmart in Westfield, IN and snagged their last 10 boxes at $2.50 each! Been bragging to my gun buddies all day :D