Wallymart federal buckshot


New member
This is federal 00 9 pellet 5 round box bought at Walmart fired out of a win 1200 with 28" barrel and cylinder choke at 7 yards.

4 slug like impacts. 1 that left it's wadding and began spreading. Wadding itself probably tore through paper too.

Gotten same results out of every box of Wally fed I've fired. Out both that win and a 18.5 rem, same results.
This not the flight control wadding buckshot either.


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Two more boxes of the fed, at 15 yards.

For an accurate shooter, this might be the ultimate hd ammo as it would likely spread more upon impact.
But it's not performing as buckshot is intended. Two very different barrels produce the same results.

Btw, apologies for the crop and crop some more until it fits. Need to either bring a real camera or figure out how to change resolution setting for pics I will want to upload.
If anybody wants to pm me their number, I can send originals for them to Photoshop into lower res uploadable pics...


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Try shooting at plywood, or something else that the plastic wad won't tear a hole through. Might find the buckshot is spreading, and the individual holes are just being ripped out by the plastic wad.
How much do you expect 00 buck to spread?
Remember, shotguns still need to be aimed. No matter what Hollywood fiction says to the contrary.
Have yet to pickup any federal buck at places other than Wally...

Plywood is a good suggestion. But if it spreads right, I don't have a bunch of 1/2" holes.
Have gotten wadding holes out of other ammo, but I then got a message of 00 holes too.

This pic is other brand. Not sure specifically what brand. With the one exception that was apperently flying sideways as bb's began pouring out, they separated from wadding and spread.

Amount of spread on proper performing buck depends on barrel length, choke and range.
If I dump 5 rounds of 9 pellet out of the 18.5" I expect 45 holes in those 12" targets at 7 yards.
Same ammo out the 28" with ic choke, I expect all 45 in about a 6" circle at 7 yards or 8-9" at 15 yards.
The 18.5 at 15 yards exceeds the 12" target area.


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Ammunition bought at Walmart is exactly the same as everywhere else.
Not always, Im not sure if they still sell it but at one time they sold "federal" 9mm that was a special load for walmart.

As you might know usually federal sells 9mm under "American Eagle"
Any load that Walmart sells can be found from the manufacturer. It's possible it may be under a different name or in different packaging to keep pricing down.
No"special loads" are made for Walmart.
Hadn't meant to imply it was Walmart only. That's just where I've found it. At $3.50 a box of 5, pick some up and try it.

I know of 2 places selling low recoil fed slugs. But haven't seen the same fed buck elsewhere.

I plan on hitting range tomorrow with other buck to give a comparison. I'll dump 5 rounds per 12 I have. Thought I'd do 7 and 15 yards with short and long barrel.
Could be just the paper tearing vs neat little round holes. Target paper is mostly newsprint quality. Mind you, at 7 yards the shot string isn't spread out much.
Where'd you get a 28" cylinder bore? It a changeable choke?
I usually use cardboard to pattern my shotguns but plywood sounds like a good idea. A class I took had me shoot at three yards, then shoot the same target at five, seven, ten and so on until a pellet was off the silhouette.

My home defense shotgun is a 12 gauge Remington 870 with an 18.5" cylinder bore barrel made by Mossberg with a bead sight. It doesn't do well with the Federal 9 pellet standard buck with a ten inch spread at seven yards and pellets off the silhouette at ten. I does well with Hornady Critical Defense 8 pellet with one hole groups out to seven yards and no pellet off the silhouette out to 25 yards. Another load that my shotgun likes is the 12 pellet 00 by S&B. The S&B is less expensive but does recoil a bit more than the Hornady. All the loads tended to hit a bit high with my bead sight.

I think it's great that the op is patterning his guns to see what loads they like and where they hit.
Winchester 1200 with threaded chokes. Have extra, full, mod and ic.

Following pic is using win 1200 at 15 yards with ic choke on 28" barrel.
Ammo is no name brown box drab green shell 9 pellet 00 buck, 5 rounds fired.
Targeting the 9 above the X.


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This pic is Remington 31 professionally cut off to 18.5" barrel. Same ammo.

Thought the grouping was unusually tight after 1st shot. But just went klickedy-boom through all 5. At which point I noticed the powder burns and saw I was at 5 yards, not the intended 7 yards. Hit the wrong button...

Same ammo. Brown box drab green shell 9 pellet 00 buck.
Also targeting the now obliterated 9 above the X.

Note both the pics have an oversized hole up and left of the POA, assuming that's wadding.


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2damold, try this stuff

It's my load of choice in the 18.5" barrel for hd. I feel standard buck just spreads so much it's not impossible to miss on a perfectly aimed shot at across the house range.

That slug 00 buck mix in the win defender gives you some of the forgiveness of buck and the slug for longer shot accuracy.
At longer ranges the buck is gonna spread way out still. But the slug is going to be as accurate as you are.
I'm all for trying different loads but I'm very happy with the Hornady CD 00 at home defense ranges. I can keep all the pellets on a silhouette at any range in my house and all eight pellets went into the lungs and heart of the buck I shot at 20 yards. I do like the idea of using slugs at longer ranges but I'd probably use a rifle or put better sights on my shotgun if I planned on shooting at more than 30 or so yards.
Next time I bring a guage to range, I'll bring 5 of the win defender and do a thread on it.

I think it's a great mix all purpose defense ammo. If I was dealing with a front door intruder as the back door came crashing in, and had my 18.5" hd gun in my hand, I'd sure hate to be loaded with buckshot.

My teotwawki ammo belts are mix loaded. Some real advantages to that. But general purpose he, I'd rather trust buck only to a tighter grouping gun.

That 15 yard pic with the 28" barrel, that's pretty close to max indoor ranges in my house. While that my hunting shotgun, I've got a tube extension I keep on it when not illegal to do so. 10 rounds of 00 buck can stop multiple Invaders.

At true range, a rifle definitely better. But I frankly need a better rifle. Got 2 .22s that got enough capacity, but only 1 is utterly reliable. An ar is on my wish list...
If you try some Federal Flight Control it is going to be a lot tighter. Out of an 18.5 inch cylinder bore barrel I would not even see individual pellet holes until it was past 15 yards.
Price per 5 of flight control fed?
The fed I'm talking about is $3.50 for 5, and usually stays in the wadding past 15 yards...

Wouldn't mind seeing how it performs in some clear ballistic gel though. If it spreads drastically upon impact, and I do mean drastically, like r.i.p. does, could be good stuff.

My take on the post is that the buckshot loads from said shotguns was expected to produce bigger patterns than his shooting produced.

If so, this is a case of false expectations. Those targets look exactly like what buckshot patterns from any maker would look like at 7 yds. Rule of thumb from IC/C barrel is 1" per yard.

Film and myth has led many to believe that a load of buckshot is a "splattergun" even up close. Just not so.

Not bad ammo, bad information
The fed I'm talking about is $3.50 for 5, and usually stays in the wadding past 15 yards...
How do you know the shot is staying in the plastic shot cup wad. Do you have slow motion video?
Are you sure the wad isn't just tearing a hole through where the individual shot has gone?