Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll shows no Republican front runner

Pat H

Looks like there's a five way tie among the neocon candidates, which splits their votes, a good thing in my opinion because it enables non-neocon candidates.

Giuliani is in trouble from several directions, and is sinking. First, he'd originally decided to ignore the January primaries, a part of his "Big State" strategy of courting states with large delegate counts. He's begun reversing that, but it's probably too late. Now, it's reported that he's down with an undisclosed illness with flu-like symptoms, this couldn't come at a worse time for him.

Reference: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB119810092342540425.html?mod=hps_us_whats_news
Wow. That poll has Ron Paul at only 4% nationally. I thought he was doing better than that.

What's his team doing with all of that money?
Looking good...

Looks like things are coalescing nicely for the campaign.

Zogby on the Coming Ron Paul Smackdown
Posted by Lew Rockwell at 01:59 PM

Pollster John Zogby: "Ron Paul: He's going to do better than anyone expects. Look to Paul to climb into the double-digits in Iowa. Why? He's different, he stands out. He's against the war and he has the one in four Republicans who oppose the war all to himself. Libertarianism is hot, especially among free-market Republicans and 20-somethings. And he's an appealing sort of father figure. He's his own brand. All he needs to do is beat a couple of big names in Iowa, then New Hampshire is friendlier territory. After all, the state motto is "Live Free or Die.""

Read the rest on Ron's can't-win opponents. Here's the translation: at the very least, Ron Paul will be a major figure at a brokered convention, and could win the nomination before that.

John, make that: will win.