Wall Street Journal: Guns and the Constitution


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Recent editorial from the <a href="http://www.law.ucla.edu/faculty/volokh/gunconst.ssi">Wall Street Journal.</a>
Wow, finally a national media source that I agree with 100%. Especially the end where they ask if we trust judges enough to be able to trim off any part of the Constitution that they feel is obsolete at that time, including the rights that set us so far above other countries.
I'm impressed. The author is also ,,,ahh,,a very impressive person:

"He graduated from UCLA with a B.S. in math-computer science at age 15, and has written many articles on computer software. "

as his biography says.
The WSJ has printed several articles that show responsible firearm ownership in a positive light. They seem to be the only national newspaper publication that doesn't start salivating when Sarah Brady, Josh Sugerman and their ilk appear on the scene.
The WSJ does have some excellent, pro-RKBA articles. At least they are thoughtful - how refreshing. U.S. v. Emerson is a truly historic case, IMHO. We must watch its progress. I hope the large number of Clinton-appointed judges cannot deal it an early death.
Very thought provoking editorial. I read his testimony to a Congressional committee with interest. One thing concerned me about his testimony- his contention that the 2nd Amendment would allow "reasonable" gun control statutes. We know who defines "reasonable" and how broad their definition is.