Walkout of students

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New member
I apologize if this has already been covered but I cam across this article and wanted to comment on it.


It states:

Those participating have three main demands for Congress:

-- Ban assault weapons;

-- Require universal background checks before gun sales;

-- Pass a gun violence restraining order law that would allow courts to disarm people who display warning signs of violent behavior.

I disagree with all three. What is an "Assault Weapon?" Universal background checks to include private (non-FFL) gun sales are just a backdoor gun registry and completely unenforceable to guns sold before enactment of the law. Disarming people who display "warning signs" of violent behavior by confiscating their property seems like a violation of the 2nd and 4th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. If that wasn't bad enough, how would all of that stop future school shootings?
Like every other aspect of the gun rights debate this is less about safety/crime reduction and more about scoring political points. For instance in metro-Atlanta the right leaning districts are opposing this event while the left leaning districts are actively supporting and even promoting it. The sad thing is as this gets more about building political capital and less about crime any real meaningful improvement never happens.
How do you know that is the goal of those participating? Around here it was sold as a vague "safer schools"

This is the problem with these mass demonstrations. Many times others will hijack the demonstration and install their own "demands" in place of the protesters.

Its been a long time since Columbine. Why are new schools not built to stronger standards with the ability to lock down more effectively? Why do they not feature hardened and secured entrances?

Its a planned 17 minute "protest" - maybe... the local stations have taken to call it a remembrance of those that died. It will be minimally disruptive and only matter because the media wants to cover it. There is no "force of the people" to force change through this.
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How fortuitous for the gun control movement that these children’s demands synchronize so perfectly with the same exact legislative solutions they have advocated for decades.

It’s almost like the whole thing is just propaganda to pass specific laws rather than any real sincere attempt to reach a solution.
In a lot of these cases these things are either organized by the faculty, or like at my HS, "A student/faculty committee".

To me it's no "conspiracy theory" to say that the creep of crypto-commie ideology has fully enveloped public schools as badly as it is at the academy. These protests in lieu of academics are just more evidence piled on a mountain of it.

The bottom line is that if you do not educate your own children they'll be uneducated, because even the high schools now have the goal of making them stupider and more ignorant.

Educated citizens can't be ruled. Ignorant subjects can.
I’ve worked for state, cities and counties in addition to my military service. I know that when I worked for these local governments it was strictly forbidden to promote anything political. No political hats, stickers or T-shirts. Not allowed to talk politics really but it did happen.

I’m not sure how these public employees at schools can push a political agenda.
Most of these kids probably don't even know what they're walking out for. They're either motivated by free time away from class, peer pressure or fear of being singled out for not walking out. They're just immature kids who don't know what their opinions truly are. Since they can't even vote yet, I'm not concerned about this. I AM concerned for when they reach voting age. This is the same age group of kids who are eating Tide pods...
Nope. We're not having another "kids today" and "what's wrong with schools" thread. This is a forum dedicated to firearms, not to child-rearing and social problems, and politics continues to be off-topic here. If folks want to talk about pending gun control legislation, there are ongoing threads in L&CR where those discussions are happening.

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