Walker vs. Dragoon


Hello all!

I have been thinking about which gun I would want to purchase and fire more. Not originals, I don't have that kind of cash, but replicas from Uberti:

3rd Model Dragoon:




I like the Walker because of it's just over the top proportions, it's power, is almost crudeness. It's a brute of a gun. It's history is unique and almost legendary.

I like the Dragoon as well, the 3rd model would be my pick. The Dragoon has a rich history as well, and were used much more heavily in the U.S. Civil War of which I am very interested in. It seems like a bit more practical of a gun, but is still impressive.

If you had to pick one of these new replicas, which would it be and why? :)
I picked the Uberti Walker. It was on sale for $279, it holds 10 grains more powder, little weight difference from the Dragoon, I find myself archery hunting on bear paths.
I have never owned a Dragoon, but will some day. Meanwhile I enjoy loading up 50 grains of black powder (will hold 60) in each chamber and firing my Walker. Older, made in the 1990s, but what a beast!

Hawg and others...

so the latch on the 3rd Dragoons doesn't hold either? Is this common to many, or just something with that latch? Have you heard that same complaint from others? :confused:

I was thinking like DPris.
I haven't heard of any and my latch looks like it has good hookup. It's a booger to take down by hand. :confused:
I did a "tiny" bit of surgery on my Walker latch and it doesn't drop now...matter of fact when I first fixed my latch notch, I was unable to operate my loading lever because it was so tightly held after my modification.

I wore out my first Walker, but when it was new and I tried to "fix" it's latch by bending the spring catch....it just blew-out my spring latch dovetail:rolleyes:...so a friend of mine TIG welded it back onto the barrel and it never dropped again.

Never owned a Dragoon.....but the Walker is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
Yup, the Walker drops its lever while shooting, no doubt. You can fix it with a rubber band or stitch yourself a small loop of leather.

Here's a post I saved back in 1998:

Date: Sun, 8 Feb 1998 17:12:46 -0800
From: Yellowhouse Jake <info@mail.netraven.com>
Subject: Re: Walkers from Cabellas

>I mentioned here on the list that my Walker drops the loading lever most every >time a full-house load goes off. On Walkers the loading lever is held in >place by>a "T" spring, mounted on the barrel near the rammer hing. On the Dragoon >models,>Colt got rid of that and went to the spring loaded catch at the end of the>loading lever.
> Bottom Dealin' Mike

I had that problem off and on with both my Walkers and I found an easy fix. I made a slight undercut on the upper (barrel) side of the spring, than I relieved the undercut inside the loading lever. Where the spring is round normally, mine has a very slight flat spot parallel to the underside on the barrel. The latching is very positive and I have never experienced a dropped lever since. I use 40+ grains in both revolvers with no problems. I have shot them this way for several years now with no spring breakage, and no drops. The lever latching is REAL positive though, unlatching with
gloves on can be a problem once the grease accumulates under the barrel.

Yellowhouse Jake.

PS order a spare spring before using the file, jus' in case ;^)

I have a nice photo that this website won't let me post 'cause I posted it already here:
http://TheFiringLine.com/forums/showthread.php?t=500013 (see reply #5) for photo of my ram spring after filing on it.

Also you can reduce ram dropping by going to FFg from FFFg. My load in my Walkers was 44grs FFg+wad+.454 ball +over ball grease. I called them my 44/44s