Waldon Holsters?


New member
Can anyone tell me about the Waldon line of holsters, specificaly the sidewinder? What kind of quality is there, how long of a wait for shipping, or what is their customer service like? Any info is appreciated.
I have a Raptor Defense set for a Glock 27, and I have another on the way for a Glock 30. Good, quality leather, detailed boning, and great finish. My 27 virtually disappears under a light shirt and rides very high. Mark is a great guy to deal with, but it takes about 10-12 weeks to get your product. After he introduced the Raptor on www.glocktalk.com , he had an explosion of orders (including mine).

Personally, I don't mind the wait for the high-quality, low-priced product that Mark puts out. Plus, from what I hear, the wait isn't nearly as long as you'd expect for something from Mitch Rosen.

Couldn't tell ya about the Sidewinder, but if it's as good as his Raptor, it ought to be a winning product.

By the way, I also hear good things about his 1/4" thick belts.

Here's a few reviews from GlockTalk:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
A few minutes ago, I heard a "thump" on the front door.

"It couldn't be my Raptor Defense set," I thought. Mark Waldon e-mailed me Wednesday evening informing me that he
shipped my Raptor Defense set out that day and that I should be expecting it by Monday.

Could UPS actually be delivering something early?

Well, I mosey on out to the front door and WOOHOO!!! The tattered, half-open UPS-delivered package from Kansas
was here!

As soon as I opened the zip-lock bags in which the holster and mag carrier were contained, that familiar sudden scent of
leather ecstacy exploded into my face.

I sat there for a few minutes huff.... uh... taking in the scent. Once my head stopped spinning, I removed and inspected my
new glossy-black leather goods.

I then rushed to grab my Glock 27 for which my rig was crafted and inserted the gun into the virgin holster and the mag in to
its carrier.

This Raptor Defense set is expertly molded and finished. And as I comfortably wear this high-riding rig on my belt, I know
that I am wearing a piece of art. I wouldn't hesitate one bit to do business with Mark again.[/quote]

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>.....I can tell you this much: I have a BS-2 by M/D Enterprises and an ACR-2 from Waldon Holsters, both made for the same
gun. They are not at all similar except in the web pictures. I have since ordered several more items from Mark Waldon and
have more in the works. His quality is second to none. Mark Waldon should be charging three times as much for his quality
holsters. Get them while they are cheap because it won't last. I will be replacing ALL my leather with Waldon leather and
the rest is sitting in my old holster box to be sold off whenever possible. Catch my drift?[/quote]

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>I just today recieved my Waldon Holster Raptor Defense Set, and gunbelt, and boy are they pretty!

I also just recently received a BS-2 and mag carrier from MarkTHG's MD Enterprises.

Here are my observations on each:

First, both are high quality leather products that I am proud to own. but, there are differences that are worth noting.

The BS-2 fit my G30 almost tight, and made an audible almost 'click' or 'thunk' when the holster hit home. The Raptor
accepted my G30 with a silky softness that made me wonder if it would hold the gun. I turned it upside down and shook it-
it held! Rather than a click sound, I heard what sounded almost like an air whoosh sound in a vacuum. The gun is held tight
and releases easily. Sort of a leather Kydex!

The leather looks different also. The MD Ent. Holster leather looks like new shoe leather. black and clean with very low
gloss. The leather used in the BS2 is fully twice as thick as the Raptor leather. The BS2 also would not fit on the Waldon
gun belt without much, much effort. It does not fit well enough to use it with the Waldon belt. Both the Waldon and the MD
Enterprises holsters and mag carriers use the same size hole though! (1.5") the difference is that the gunbelt is thick (1/4")
and so is the leather on the MD Ent. holster and mag carrier. The holes on the holster and mag carrier are not as wide as
those of the Raptor either. The leather on the MD Enterprises holster and mag carrier is twice as thick as the leather on the
Waldon holster and mag carrier. The Raptor Defense set went on the Waldon gunbelt easily of course. MarkTHG's gunbelts
must be way thinner than Mark Waldons or I don't see how he could get his holster on the belt. I couldn't place the MD
Enterprises mag carrier on the Waldon belt either. The mag carrier has a snap on the back that would not close with this

The belt I got from Mark Waldon is 1.5" wide and 1/4" thick. It is black and like new shoes and very much like the sheen
on MarkTHG's holster and mag carrier. It has a heavy brass buckle and feels like a gunbelt, not your normal belt. This belt
could easily outlive me. It is also a very comfortable belt and surprised me.

The Raptor Holster is thin and very well chisled and formed! Every detail of the mag and gun are shown exactly. It is one
half the thickness of the BS2 with wider holes for the belt. The leather on the Raptor and the Raptor mag carrier looks
almost like patent leather! It shines like my boot camp days of spit shined leather. It is deep black and clear, and looks like
those lacquer paint jobs on fancy cars that have 10 layers of paint you could reach into. again, leather Kydex!

The BS2 carries the G30 a bit lower than the Raptor. Depending on your build, the BS2 could be more comfortable. I
couldn't really test this with the gunbelt however as it wouldn't fit (I used a web belt). I am heavy and the Raptor is plenty
comfortable for carry for me though. The Raptor is thinner and seems to lay flatter and closer for concealment. Both holsters
keep open when the gun is out and both are easy to reholster with the edge going to the Raptor in my opinion. The raptor
seemed to inhale the gun for me. I got a good specimen of each I am sure.

Different ways to make different holsters. Both are quality products and I could recommend both GT sponsors with pride.

For my gunbelt though, it has to be The Raptor Defense Set!!


www.customholsters.com [/quote]


[This message has been edited by Bulldog (edited January 29, 2000).]
I don't have the Raptor, but my first Waldon - a Viper for my Ruger P85, has been on my belt for over a year, and I love it. The workmanship is very good, and it fits like a glove.
The wait, well it takes a while, 4-8 weeks, but that should be expected from almost any custom shop. Remember that this is being made to order for your weapon, and any other will not fit correctly. Be patient because it is well worth the wait.
I purchased a new carry weapon, the SW99, and asked Mark if he made a holster for it. He said no, but he would get the form and make one for me. I am now anxiously awaiting the new Viper, and am certain it will be every bit as good as the last.
Repeat orders are the best testimonial to customer service.