Paul Revere

New member
About to become an American tragedy is our loss of FREEDOM through shear ignorance. Those Americans that have bought into the Clinton Administration's latest lies, now believe that a few more "gun control" laws will prevent further tragedies in our society.

This Administration has perpetuated lie after lie, that gun laws save lives, when they clearly cost lives. They have ignored the results of falling crime in 31 states where "concealed carry laws" have been passed allowing law abiding citizens to carry a concealed firearm in public. They have turned their backs on prosecuting any of the "250,000 felons turned away from buying a gun" according to their Brady Law (minimum sentence is 5 years in a federal prison), or the 6,000 kids caught with guns in schools last year. They have ignored that the two criminals that perpetrated the crimes in Littleton, broke 19 existing gun laws. They have ignored how crimes in cities with the strictest gun control laws have the highest, most violent crime rates. And yes, they have clearly ignored Project Exile in Richmond, VA, which prosecutes all felons caught with a gun, no exceptions, no pleas.

But this Administration cries out for you to turn your back to these facts, and believe that more gun laws will lower crime in this Country. They have deceived you on all accounts. They have deceived you into believing their spin, hiding their true agenda.

Our Founding Fathers created a government which sole purpose was to protect our God given freedoms, and gave the people the ability to protect itself from tyranny in government (the 2nd Amendment). The Clinton Administration's sole purpose is to eliminate those freedoms. This Administration's impatience to eliminate our 2nd Amendment freedoms should be obvious to us all, as a signpost of tyranny. But no one would believe that could be true here in America. You have all been fooled!
So what do we do?

Pick up our guns and head for Washington? Forcibly evict the treasonous rat-bastard currently occupying the Oval Office?

Yeah, right. I don't see more than a thousand or so actually taking part in such a coup, and they'd be described by the mediots as "a small but well-armed radical militia." The marchers would then be destroyed by the BATF, and no one the wiser.

Coinneach, feeling bitter and cynical on a rainy June morning
Shun the frumious Bandersnatch.

Work within the system while there is still a chance that the system may work.

Vote - for a change.
This thread was not meant necessarily for the hardened TFL reader, but for those on the fence, with their head in the sand, or their mind in the clouds (watching CNN or Dateline).

If I had a reasonable answer to the question, "What shall we do?", I would gladly share it. But we are faced with our stubborn patriotism on one hand, and our paranoid fears of federal spooks on the other. As William Shakespere once said, "the pen is mightier than the sword". If you are reading this now, you have the ability to use your mighty pen (key strokes) and make a difference before election time using "e-mail" to your representatives in Washington.

It is the legislation and "executive orders" that erode our rights during an Administration, that must be stopped. Waiting for an election to cast your vote only enforces apathy. An Administration allowed to erode our rights for 4 years can add up to a lot of erosion. Stop it, by writing Congress now!
The first thing we have to do is draw the line in the sand and stick to it. I have always suggested that the line be at confiscation. When they come door to door that we actively resist with our arms. We all need to set up our local neighborhood networks. Those trusted friends, family and others who when one is attacked the rest show up to defend them.

We then need to communicate this to our representatives. We need them to understand that we will not fire the first shot, that this is only in self-defense. But we certainly will end it. We need our government officials to understand the consequences of their actions.

We also need to let our gov know that we will not obey these clearly unconstitutional laws. We need to send them letters of non-compliance. Placing them on notice that we will not obey these unconstitutional laws and will defend our rights to do so.

There are those of us in CA who are setting up our networks and some of us are writting our reps. It's time to quit being ashamed of owning guns and being afraid that if we let them know how we feel that they will come and take our guns from us. We are in the right and need to stand up to these cowards.

I will never plot to overthrow our government, neither will I take an offensive stand. But by God I will defend my life and my rights as an American against all. This point must be made clear. We will only take up arms for defense, not offense.

Bookie, well said.

I have, however, a few questions. When you say that we will not fire the first shot, you MIGHT have left me behind. If my neighbors, friends, countrymen have already been assassinated by government jack-booted thugs, then when they break down my door I certainly WILL fire the first shot, and the second, and so on until I cease breathing. Refusing to fire "the first shot" defeats the entire purpose of owning a firearm. Twenty thugs with knives assault you, what, you gonna fight 'em off without drawing? If so, lemme tell you, I ain't that good. If I'm assaulted physically by ANYBODY, especially in my own home, somebody's gonna die.

Somebody pointed out herein somewhere that the total votes in the last Prez election was something like 43 mil. Gunowners are 80 mil, COULD have decided that election without credible opposition. Let us not ignore our responsibilities at the booth in order to have a big buncha fun killing our neighbors. First, get out and VOTE. Do not vote for the predicted winner, vote for who you want. I'd suggest Suzanna Gratia-Hupp, anytime the name appears on your ballot.

She ain't available? Vote libertarian, and qwitchabitchin' about throwing your vote away. With all our diverse viewpoints on other subjects, we might need to adopt a "litmus test" (love the media terminology, no?) of a candidate's viewpoint on the 2nd Amendment. Not just gun ownership or control, but the Amendment itself.

Larry P.

When the Mexican Army demanded the surrender of a cannon by the people of San Jacinto, the answer they got was "Come and take it!" Thus began the first battle of Texas' war of independence.
Dennis>Work within the system while there is still a chance that the system may

The "system" has been so broken for so long there's already no hope of repair..unless everyone who owns a gun registers to vote, and votes Libertarian for every office. The chances of that happening are about the same as of my growing wings.....

Bookie>I will never plot to overthrow our government, neither will I take an
offensive stand.

Not saying what I will or won't do, but this is not -MY- government. I don't know whose it is, but it's sure not the one intended by the founders.

Shoot straight regards, Richard
The Shottist's Center forums.delphi.com/m/main.asp?sigdir=45acp45lc
Dennis>Work within the system while there is still a chance that the system may

The "system" has been so broken for so long there's already no hope of repair..unless everyone who owns a gun registers to vote, and votes Libertarian for every office. The chances of that happening are about the same as of my growing wings.....

Bookie>I will never plot to overthrow our government, neither will I take an
offensive stand.

Not saying what I will or won't do, but this is not -MY- government. I don't know whose it is, but it's sure not the one intended by the founders.

Shoot straight regards, Richard
The Shottist's Center forums.delphi.com/m/main.asp?sigdir=45acp45lc
I just joined this forum today, not because I am a gun zealot (don't even own one, yet), but because I know things are getting way out of hand real fast.

Hell yes, people should arm themselves and storm Washington. I am usually of a non-violent nature, but things have gotten that bad. I don't think it will happen because, even though there are a lot of people raising hell about the tyranny, everyone is too happy about the economy now to do anything about it (distracted, just like Clinton likes it). Personally, I think we (most of us)have evolved into a nation of flabby wimps, who don't deserve the freedoms that were established by the forefathers. I doubt we could mount anything close to the type of military effort that was seen in WWII or Korea. Those bad mothers that did that are all old or dead now, and what we are left with is not nearly as tough or disciplined as they were (myself included).

I don't see anything but random violence until local confiscation occurs (random violence that will HELP the gov. and media to further its wicked cause). What is needed is a leader with a respectable public history (ex-general, decent politician - does such a thing exist?, etc.) to lead the movement. Without a modern day Washington or Jefferson there will be no organized resistance; we will always be labled as the lunatic fringe.

Also, voting is futile. I am all but convinced that the elections (on nearly all levels) are rigged. The decisions are being made in board rooms and country clubs about who will rule when, and with what authority. Just look at the ridiculous amount of campaign money flying around. Many corporations are contributing to both sides to hedge their bets. It is obvious who owns who. I doubt that the popular vote ever had any influence on the electoral college. If so, I think Perot (good or bad)would have won many years ago.

Things are ready to explode. I just wish the defenders of individual rights were more organized and ready for what may come.

It's funny, I know I am putting myself at risk by posting this (you know this forum is being monitored CLOSELY), but I don't care anymore. I'd rather have hell to pay than stand by and watch all this happening without at least speaking up.

Dolce et decorum est pro patria mori.

[This message has been edited by fenixforge (edited June 16, 1999).]
http://search.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/WPlate/1999-06/1 0/222l-061099-idx.html

I know one man can't save us, but if we work hard and spead the word to get Smith in office, maybe we can get some breathing room to regroup.
We did it in Minnesota....don't believe the polls ...vote for the best ... it will work!!!!

If not, don't shoot til you see the whites of their eyes.

lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate

[This message has been edited by freefinkelmann (edited June 17, 1999).]
United we stand, divided we fall!!!

We have to stop looking for an individual to help us off of our respective butts. We are a group of Americans who all want the same thing...a free America, the way our Founding Fathers intended. Having faith in our own resolve, as united freedom loving Americans is what it will take to win back our Country, not following some individual zealot leading a stampede onto the Capital.

We need to act as a single cohesive unit, and continue to stay strong, encouraging others to join in our fight for freedom. We need to be vocal, we need to take a stand for what we know is right, and never back down. United we stand strong...stronger than any opposition could possibly muster.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. There is an enormous amount of dissatisfaction boiling just beneath the surface today. The only thing the freedom movement is missing is a leader, one will appear, and one always does. When I was a kid I remember being told "don't believe it just because you saw it on TV". Today I think it has turned into "don't believe it unless you see it on TV".

I will be moving to NH very soon. Any TFL'rs or lurkers in NH please drop me an email I've got a couple of questions.

To be or not to be-that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them.
From: Ivan8883 6-17-99 1117PM EDT Fenixforge,I am just curious how you know this forum is Monitered Closely. I know that with project echelon the govenment can and does monitor phones around country and world,but never heard they monitored forums. Most people here on this forum probably are on either a primary government list or for sure a secondary list as a gun owner Nra member .etc. Boy, the Sob"s would get a earful on this forum;for sure. Ivan
All it takes is one Nazifed sitting at computer lurking. They already do it to combat pornography (and other thngs) sold via the internet. It's alot easier to monitor forums than phones lines, etc.