Waiting period...


New member
I was reading a site today that was basically a quiz of how much I know of my home state of North Carolina's gun laws. The very first question asked if there is a waiting period for firearms purchases in NC. I clicked no, and the response came back 'wrong answer'. Can anybody help me out here? I have never known of a waiting period, and have been in NC for 21 years(I moved here in '89). I've usually gone to the sheriff and bought pistol permits to buy most of my guns simply to avoid the phone call and it's possible delays, and now just use my CCW.
I have been looking up the state's info and can't seem to find any verification to this.
I have walked into many stores and bought long guns and took them home at that time, even when not using a permit. Anybody help?

If it is any help, here is the link to the quiz page.
The site belongs to 'about.com'
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Here in FLA wait period ( cool down period ) is for non-CCW holders for hand guns. I do not know if the wait time applies for long guns being I have not purchased any here in FLA. CCW holders do not have to wait the 3 days. For CCW its look buy out the door.

For what its worth I scored 7 out of 10 and according to the quiz higher than average
Don, I missed 2 on that quiz. The one about the waiting period, and the one about 'do state police and federal NICS perform a back ground check'. I didn't know that the state police did them also, forgive my ignorance. I just thought the feds did the checks when called from dealers.

Before I started using pistol permits and my CCW, I was starting to get delayed a lot from the NICS checks, and since gunshows are only around for 2 days, I couldn't wait on a delay. One time I actually was able to wait, as I purchased from a dealer at a gunshow that actually lived within 20 miles or so of me.