Waiting in line at the bank


New member
Interesting video of a robbery gone wrong (for the robber). The robber certainly had some balls and wasnt bashful about trying to rob the guy right there amoungst all those people. Turns out the boy being robbed, was an undercover cop.

The cop sets him up well. I wonder if the girl ever realized later, she was being used in the set up?

Looks like in this case, the "rule of 3's" (and maybe 4) did apply. ;) Bad guy may have got one round off while going down.

I believe this happened in Venezuela, so the kick at the end probably isnt going to hurt his career.

Considering the politicaly correct atmosphere these days, Id say anything he did would cost him. Someone's not going to be happy, and of course, we have to keep everyone happy these days.

I do believe his response was proper, and kept things to a minimum though.
It looks like most there had no idea what was going on. Not that its a wonder these days, with eveyones heads in their phones.
The robber was pretty smooth. He very quickly got the advantage on the guy who turned out to be a cop. I can't help but think if that guy was me, I would be stuck. The one think I noticed was that the guy who was a cop (I know this was some kind of set-up) wasn't paying attention to his surroundings. I keep my head up and look around a lot more when I'm in a bank line.