Wad Do You Think?


New member
I have been using 40 grains of Pyrodex and a H&G conical with Crisco on top in my Old Army for almost a decade. I was thinking of trying "Wonder Wads".
What is the thickness? With 40 grains, I don't need any filler. Powder, bullet. ram, Crisco, good to go. No leading. Any reason to try 'em? They seem overpriced to me. Thanks!
If you're getting good accuracy & no leading & fairly easy clean up with what you are doing then I would say no, what you are doing with Crisco is doing a great job & spending the extra $$$ isn't going to gain you much if any at all.

I some times use the wads but many time I'll go right back to the tried & true grease over ball "or conical."
Lubed felt wads, whether homemade or purchased, are simply an option for the grease-in-the-chamber-mouth seal. They do nothing for accuracy or power. In my opinion they're easier to use and less messy than grease, but that's a personal opinion. If you're happy with what you're using and don't mind the down side, don't spend the money.

Like anything else, ya spends yer money and ya takes yer choice...
H & G Conicals

Hey GasCheck,

What weight do those drop at. I found the moulds at Ballisti-cast #962 but haven't been able to find out how much they weigh. Do you have to size/lube them after they drop?

I got the mould from Hensley & Gibbs right before the business was sold. The number is #362. I use range scrap which is a little harder, but I have no trouble seating them. Seems the range scrap won't lead the barrel. I get zero leading.
They are shot from mould. No sizing or lubing. They weigh in at 165 grains. If you use pure lead, they will come in a tad heavier.
Have fun!
Hey GasCheck,

What weight do those drop at. I found the moulds at Ballisti-cast #962 but haven't been able to find out how much they weigh. Do you have to size/lube them after they drop?


Your thinking of smokeless powder. Blackpowder you do not size or lube the bullet.

When you Ram down the bullet it is being sized to the barrel. On a muzzeloader. On a Percussion revolver. You ram the bullet in the cylinder this sizes the bullet to the chamber.


By using grease wads or crisco over the bullet your doing two things.
1. First your creating a gas seal over the bullet to ensure the fired bullet of another does not create a change reaction setting off the other cylinders. Second you are aiding in lubricating the bullet making it easier to clean and reduce fouling.

In a smokeless cartridge. You need to size the bullets so that they can be loaded into a cartridge. Without sizing them they would bulge the cases. Making it harder to even chamber the round. 2. You need to lubricate the bullet to reduce the fouling and leading of the barrel. In Black powder the bullet when fired expands to the barrel to create a seal. Using a wrong or smaller sized bullet will allow gases to pass over the bullet melting it down and leading the barrel.
In Black powder the bullet when fired expands to the barrel to create a seal. Using a wrong or smaller sized bullet will allow gases to pass over the bullet melting it down and leading the barrel.

That's not exactly right. In a cap and ball the chamber size is slightly larger than bore size to ensure good engagement of the rifling. Bullets in bp cartridges need lubing more than smokeless bullets do.