"WACO: Rules of Engagement"

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I know that I'm probably way behind most of you on this, but my wife and I just rented this video and watched it twice in a row. Unbelievable. Absolutely unbelievable. If you haven't seen it, see it. We just can't get over how they raised the ATF flag up the flagpole as the fire was burning, as the women and children were burning to death; as if they had just won the war. And the way they and the media demonized those people. Those people were you and I. If this is not a government out of control, I don't know what is. I, for one, will never forget.
Yes, it is a troubling film to watch. I remember the day that happened, I watched and listened as the news commemtator continued to degrade, and humiliate the victims dying inside.

It was almost like watching a WWII film of the actions taken by our troops to secure a beachhead on Iwo Jima. No accident then, that the same practices are used today. It might also explain the final tactics utilized. If you can't make them come out, burn them out. If that's another way of suggesting the citizens of the US are/were being attacked by US Troops, then so be it.

Let's see, the following conditions were known to exist that day...

1. A predominately wooden structure.

2. A very windy condition, whereby outside burning is banned because of fire hazards.

3. A supposed knowledge that there might be a self immolation by the inhabitants.

4. Tanks engage the structure, injecting a substance known for it's ability to settle in low areas, and then exhibit a lower flash point.

5. The same substance also known for it's lethality in confined spaces.

6. After the fire is detected, the firefighters are held.

7. After the cleanup, vital pieces of evidence claimed by survivors to proved they were attacked, wind up missing, or destroyed.

8. After the cleanup, there are other pieces of evidence cataloged, but blatantly lied about, by another agency directly tied to this investigation.

9. Also, there is evidence that there were US Armed Forces, in greater numbers than ever admited to. Enough forces to be considered a squad. Troops trained in the art of killing.

10. We have a President, and US Attorney General that deny knowledge, or approval, of the activities of any of the agencies there that day.

People, there are to many circumstantial pieces that are present here to simply say, "It was an accident".

I too, will not forget that day. It ranks right up there with November 22, 1963.

Best Regards,