Waco: Rules of Engagement part II


New member
I just finished watching this documentary about 2.5 minutes ago.

I'm so disgusted, angry and afraid of the Federal Government right now, I'm not sure that I can put it into words.

I guess the question that haunts me the most is, how the hell can Janet Reno sleep at night?

I assume I can buy a copy of this online. I think I need to become more familiar with this situation so I can be informative when the subject is broached.

If I were to look for books on the subject, what would you TFLers recommend? Which specific titles have you read that seemed like straight shooting (no pun intended at ALL) to you?

I didn't know part 2 was out already? Part 1 just made it to the rental shelves. Where can I find part 2?

Every American MUST see these documentaries!!!!! I tell every person I come across to go rent Waco: The Rules of Engagement at their local video store.


Drink Red Bull, it'll give you wings!
Heads Up, Now Janet Reno is wanting to look at what happened at Waco again. With all of the public knowledge the government is either going to to a cover up to beat all or start trying to sort it out. With over 7 tons of evidence still in Texas the FBI has said that some of the items fired into the compound "might" have been incendiary!
We will have to wait and see.
Looks like Reno will have to find a way to cover-up the cover-up. With the Leftist media, this might just be possible.

Without the 2nd Amendment,the Declaration of Independence is an old post card and the entire Constitution is just notes from a bridge club meeting.
I think that the bunker that has always been refered to is the cinderblock store room that was within the wooden walls of this "home". Whatever it was, it was within the wooden walls. They did't need to burn it anyway, the tank treads were turning!
Check the Drudge Report. They are breaking a media story on the use of U.S. MILITARY. I have read a lot on this but apparently it hasnt been common knowledge. We shall see.

Better days to be,
