Waco Independent Prosecutor: Good News and Bad News

Maybe I'm missing something, but I thought that Bill Clinton is Janet Reno's boss. I'm also advised by Janet that an Independent Prosecutor is necessary because, among other reasons, her credibility has been questioned. That's the good news.

The bad news is that she has directed that the report be delivered to her and remain confidential!

Does this sound like a way to get to the truth? Let's see: "I've been accused of criminal activeity. I will do an investigation. The results will be known only to me. I will then decide if criminal charges should be brought."

Meanwhile the White House spin machine has already begun the campaign to label anyone who doubts their version as encouraging more "Tim McVeighs". I've seen this statement 3 times today on CNN.

The insult to America's intelligence is, to me, monumental.
-We are not capable of handling the truth after 6 years of lies.
-In order to quell conspiracy talk, we need to seal the records.
-If the Davidians had just surrendered this never would have happened.
-The FBI never "really" lied about pyrotechnics....they just weren't asked the right questions! (Anyone remember the "Depends on what the meaning if 'is' is.")

This all has a familiar and nauseating ring to it. Stand up and officially pontificate while spitting in the voters' eye and daring them to challenge you. What's next? Reports of "polls" showing the White House is doing a great job and people just want Waco to "go away"?

Does anyone really believe that Bill Clinton is neither orchestrating nor involved in these developments? Can anyone spell "Malfeasance in Office?" "Perjury?" "Treason?"
I can hear it now:
"I can find no evidence of wrongdoing"
Janet Reno

It worked before, it will probably work again.
If it is to be delivered to her and remain confidential - then what is the point?

"The rage is relentless... We need a movement with a quickness.
You are a witness of change and to counteract - We gotta take the power back!"

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Well, gee, guys. These folks are our leaders. So, let's all stop paying income taxes. When the IRS wants to audit us, we will say, "We are keeping all this confidential but, trust me, we will conduct a thorough investigation! We want to get to the bottom of this."

Hmm. Sounds like another "bottom" fixation. ;)
The GOP will also puppy dog away after the whipping they got in the perps impeachment trial. Brutal Bill will be laughing at us "common folk" again.

Willie does not want the blight of Waco added to his record when he leaves the Whitehouse, so it will remain hidden. However, if I were Janet Reno I would not accept any rides in the park or ownership in a Starbucks (tm)from ol' Willie.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
I want to know where is the outrage from our Congress? NOTHING. Even previous patriots like Ron Paul from Texas are strangely silent. am i missing something or is all this like i have been saying : a diversion where Johnny will take the ball and score another Td and congress will grovel on their knees like the good little subserviant slaves they are. I have come to this conclusion. The American people deserve to be slaves since they have a government to which they have turned over their "life ,liberties and happiness"
If MS Reno is paying for the investigation I guess that she can be the only one to see it. On the other hand if it is commissioned by the US Dept of Justice and paid for by US funds we need to be sure that it will be made public.Otherwise we need to demand that the truth be told.

Better days to be,

Well if you really want an impartcial and truthful investigation, I say let the Texas Rangers do it. After all it was in their jurisdiction and they have felt the sting of the feds involvment already. Those guys would get the real truth.

Of course, i'm just dreaming here. The last thing Slick or Reno want is the real truth.
Good question! Where is the outrage from our Congress. Will the "opposition" party please stand up! (pause) Show up?

There IS no opposition party on serious matters.

Vote for a change!

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited September 03, 1999).]
One of the many reasons I have lost faith in the government.

Of course there is no opposition party... They are on the same team... Election year posturing is just like a Team Skirmish game... They are just practicing in different uniforms before the season starts.

"The rage is relentless... We need a movement with a quickness.
You are a witness of change and to counteract - We gotta take the power back!"

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac