Waco bug transcripts: "Have you poured it yet?"


New member
I found this transcript of on of the bugs in the compound.

Source, as well as other interesting information: http://www.dallasnews.com/specials/waco/


6:00 a.m.
FBI Agent Byron Sage (in telephone call to the
Davidians announcing the tear gassing of the
compound): OK, we're in the process of putting tear gas
into the building. This is not an assault. We are not
entering the building. Not an assault.

Branch Davidian Steve Schneider: You are going to
spray tear gas into the building.

Agent Sage: In the building ... We are not entering the
building. This is not an assault.

Unknown male: Tear gas (unintelligible)

Agent Sage: Do not fire your weapons. If you fire, fire
will be returned.

Mr. Schneider: Everybody grab your gas masks. ...

6:01 a.m.
Mr. Schneider: Everybody wake up. ... Let's start to
pray (unintelligible) ...

6:05 a.m.
Unknown male: You want it poured?

Unknown male: They're hitting the building. Whoa.

Unknown male: Pablo, have you poured it yet?

Unknown male: Huh?

Unknown male: Have you poured it yet?

Unknown male: In the hallway.

Unknown male: Things are poured, right (unintelligible)

Agent Sage (via FBI speakers outside the
compound): Do not fire any weapons.

Unknown male: Need to get the fuel out.

Agent Sage: We do not want anyone hurt

Uknown male: Do you want me to pour it already?

Unknown male: We want the fuel.

Agent Sage: The gas will continue to be delivered until
all ...

Unknown male: You want some here?

Agent Sage: ... are out of the building. Come out now.

6:12 a.m.
Unknown male: Go get another mask.

Unknown male: You got to get the fuel ready.

Unknown male: I already poured it. It's already poured.

6:16 a.m.
Unknown male: All the kids, all the kids. All the kids
are down in the (unintelligible) ...

Unknown male: OK, if you (unintelligible) face, man.

Unknown male: What you doin' now?

Unknown male: Don't move around (unintelligible) get
ready. Don't let anybody come in.

Unknown male: Nobody comes in, huh?

Unknown male: Nobody ... (unintelligible)

Unknown male: Right.

7:20 a.m.
Unknown male: Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Unknown male: Don't fire. Don't fire. Don't fire.

Unknown male: Pat, they just rammed into the wall.

Unknown male: Get out, get out.

Unknown male: Look at the gas.

Unknown male: Looks like acid?

Unknown male: Tear gas is irritating (unintelligible).

Unknown male. I know. They're (unintelligible) said
there are fire there.

7:23 a.m.
Unknown male:
Is there a way to spread fuel in there? There.

Unknown male: I don't know. I know that one

Unknown male: So we only light 'em as soon as they
tell me last chance, right? Not if they (unitelligible)

Unknown male: Well, that's the fuel. We should get
more hay in here.

Unknown male: The fuel has to go all around to get

Unknown male: Well, there are two cans here. If that's
poured soon (unintelligible) to take.

Unknown male: All kinds of (unintelligible)

Unknown male: All kinds of what?

Unknown male: Somebody shootin' live cannons

(tank sounds)...

7:24 a.m.
David Koresh: Yeah, Lord. You're waging a storm, in
the whirlwind. You're way, way. All we can do is wait.

9:20 a.m.
Mr. Koresh: The got two cans of Coleman fuel down
there? ... Huh?

Mr. Schneider: Empty.

Mr. Koresh: All of it?

Mr. Schneider: Think so.

Mr. Koresh: Did you check?

Mr. Schneider: Nothing left.

Mr. Koresh: Out of both cans?

Mr. Schneider: I got some mineral oil here.

9:44 a.m.
(Mr. Schneider has been discussing how the sect might
repair a telephone line that was severed by the tanks
within minutes after the tear-gassing operation began. It
is the sect's only means of talking with the FBI)

Mr. Schneider: Just respond accordingly ... 'cause we
do want to get a line to say at least something to 'em. ...
We've asked that we can finish the seven seals. Here's
the manuscript. The first one is about completed. It was
worked on all last night. But there's no way to know. I
gotta work with David ... you know."

11:15 a.m.
Unknown male: He's up in his room.

(unintelligible conversation, broadcast interview in

Unknown male: Putting on prayer (unintelligible)

Unknown male: What? For what?

Unknown male: (unintelligible)

Unknown male: Oh, (unintelligible) God says
(unintelligible). Come down here. Go low 'cause they
shoot high.

Unknown male: (unintelligible) They're getting it fueled.

Unknown male: No problem.

Unknown male: Where is (unintelligible)

Unknown male: They're lighting 'em here. (unintelligible)
through the ditches. (unintelligible) place

(Radio broadcast in background)

Unknown male: When are they gonna go bring the
children? ...

11:25 a.m.
Unknown male: Tell (unintelligible) are you kidding.
Light 'em.

Unknown male: (unintelligible) Go and see if you can
light up the torches.

Unknown male: (unintelligible) go in the house.

Unknown male: (unintelligible) give me the torch.

Unknown male: Is it lit?

Unknown male: Look out for that. No. They're already

Unknown male: What are you gonna do? Now we're

Unknown male: (unintelligible)

Unknown male: Whatever you've got, you use.

Unknown male: (unintelligible) the idea. When you're
(unintelligible). They're just lying to you.

Unknown male: That's what I say. (unintelligible)

Unknown male: (unintelligible)

Unknown male: (unintelligible) In here.

Unknown male: (unintelligible) have to move.

Unknown male: Go get with the kids.

11:40 a.m.
Unknown male: (unintelligible)

Unknown male: I want a fire around back.

11:48 a.m.
Unknown male: They're gassing (unintelligible).

Unknown male: (unintelligible) gas.

Unknown male: (unintelligible) stay down (unintelligible)

Unknown male: Let's keep that fire going (unintelligible)

11:49 a.m.
Unknown person: Look out ... (sounds of running feet,
tank crashing into wall)

11:54 a.m.
(loud crashing noise)

Unknown male: ... Be cool (unintelligible)

11:56 a.m.
(loud crash)


Based on this, it's quite obvious that the fire was started by some of the Davidians, probably hoping to burn up government agents they thought were going to be storming the compound. The place was not torched by the FBI or the ATF. Of course, I believe the actions of these agencies were wrong and stupid in the extreme, but they didn't start the fire. We certainly should protest the foolish militaristic raid on the compound that sparked the conflict, no matter which side fired the first shot- which is unknown anyway.

Of course, you can certainly assert that this transcript was faked, but, in my opinion, that's unlikely.
My understanding was that they were pouring molotov cocktails to throw at the tanks/apc's. I could see that an anxious or startled Davidian might throw one while the vehicle is still inside the building.

No matter how you slice it though, it's very difficult to take what the FBI/ATF says at face value anymore.
You're right it's hard to take them at face value, considering how they have lied to us. Maltov cocktails is a good explaination, but it doesn't full account some of the conversation:

Unknown male: Have you poured it yet?

Unknown male: In the hallway.


Is there a way to spread fuel in there?

as well as

Unknown male: Well, that's the fuel. We should get more hay in here.

You don't "spread" fuel for cocktails, nor do you need hay. My guess is their primary goal was to take some agents with them, not to kill themselves, though I bet they knew that would happen.
What would be interesting is to compare the times of when this conversation was recorded to the time gunfire was recorded at the back on the building (on FLIR).

It may be that they had resigned themselves to death (actually extermination), in view of what had taken place, and decided to take a tank or agent with them.
Given the state of mind that they started with, the FBI simply step-by-step proved to the B.D.'s (in their minds of people who very much believed in signs, at least) that the the B.D.'s were doing the right thing. Tanks were actually broadcasting on loud speakers as they crashed into the compound: "Submit to proper authority! Submit to proper authority...!"

So... they did.

When idiots handle crisis, you get more crisis.

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?


[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited November 01, 1999).]
The FBI,and BATF have had plenty of time to doctor the tapes.No one even suggests that they are not lying about substantial evidence.You can`t believe a word that they say.The truth will never be known.
If this was so obvious why did this JUST get released? The tapes were supposed to be of such pour quality that they were open to interpretation. They 'spread' the fuel at 6 am but the fire doesn't start intil 11:57 or so? Maybe the FBI heard them stating to create a fire to cover their escape out the back way, and beat them to it started the fire then machine gunned them from the back to keep the scenerio of the Mass Suicide intact. If this was convincing evidence it would have been released long ago.
On Australian ABC tv they recently interviewed 2 Davidians. One said there was discussion of lighting fires but refused to say any more.
We shouldn't be as bad as those who say the FBI did no wrong and discount the possibilty completely that the Davidians may have had something to do with starting the fire.
SCR1, these tapes were NOT just released. I believe they are mentioned in the interesting book "No More Wacos" by Kleck. I suggest you take a look at it. It doesn't whitewash either the Davidians or the ATF. If you looked at the material here:

you will find testimony of one of the agents listening to the bugs, who realized they were going to set the place on fire. He is blaming the ATF/FBI for continuing with the gassing when they should have realized a fire was immenint. If a few of the Davidians set the place on fire, that doesn't exonerate the government for the their incredibly stupid actions!

There were multiple traces of accelerants found in the building, consistant with the Davidians pouring fuel around. And yes, the tapes could be faked- and it's also completely within the realm of possiblity that Clinton ordered the place burned because Koresh had information about Whitewater. Because something is not impossible doesn't mean it's probable.

[This message has been edited by BTR (edited November 11, 1999).]