WA State bill to allow silencer use.

I just sent this letter to my 1st District Representative Mark Ericks, If anyone wants to use part of it, please go ahead just omit what doesn't apply to you!

Go here to find you legislator; http://apps.leg.wa.gov/DistrictFinder/Default.aspx

Lets get it done!

Dear Mr.Ericks,

Hello my name is Rick ******* and I'm a member of Local 32 Plumbers and Pipefitters Union. We recently met this last fall when you came down to the local 32 political fair we had at our union hall. I was writing to you in support of House Bill 1604. (Changing restrictions on firearm noise suppressors.)

I like many other Washington residents who enjoy Hunting and Shooting Sports feel we have always been archaic in our state laws regarding the use of firearm suppressors. We are allowed to own them but not use them.

Even exposure to 85dBA of noise causes hearing loss over time. Though target shooters seldom are without earplugs, hunters often do not wear ear protection because they need to hear the sounds of the environment around them. Safety is always the utmost concern when handling and shooting a firearm, it’s very hard to communicate with other shooters and children when wearing traditional hearing protection. Allowing legal use of suppressors would be a net health benefit to shooters, hunters and the public.

Shooting ranges, even those situated out in the country, often are a source of noise pollution. Instead, we should stand behind our environmental principles and make it easier for target sports enthusiasts to be good community members by reducing noise pollution.

I'm also concerned that Law Enforcement Officers could be at risk if this doesn't pass. The "exemptions" for Law Enforcement Officers applies only to section 9.41.250(1)(a) regarding knives. The "exemption" does NOT apply to silencers addressed in 9.41.250(1)(c).

So as I understand it, if a Law Enforcement Officers is training with suppressors it would appear that they are in violation of 9.41.250(1)(c) and are "guilty of a gross misdemeanor punishable under chapter 9A.20 RCW."

I hope you can help me in supporting this bill and look forward to hearing from you.


Rick *********

here is another letter;

HB 1604

I would like to ask for your support of House Bill 1604 "Changing restrictions on firearm noise suppressors". The original law was poorly written and has restricted lawful owners of suppressors from being able to actually use them in the state of Washington. This is to include Law enforcement agencies (as there is no provision in the law to allow them to use suppressors).

Many law abiding citizens and law enforcement agencies would like to use suppressors in order to decrease the chance of hearing damage to themselves and those around them. Many gun ranges, to include the Tacoma Rifle and revolver club, are located in areas with residences nearby. I imagine the use of suppressors would also be appreciated by these residents as well.

Thank you for your consideration and your service.

Also a revision to mine to make in more concise and simpler to read;


I would like to ask your support of House Bill 1604 "Changing restrictions on firearm noise suppressors."

I like many other Washington residents who enjoy Hunting and Shooting Sports feel we have always been archaic in our state laws regarding the use of firearm suppressors. We are allowed to own them but not use them.

Even exposure to 85dBA of noise causes hearing loss over time. Though target shooters seldom are without earplugs, hunters often do not wear ear protection because they need to hear the sounds of the environment around them. Safety is always the utmost concern when handling and shooting a firearm, it’s very hard to communicate with other shooters and children when wearing traditional hearing protection. Allowing legal use of suppressors would be a net health benefit to shooters, hunters and the public.

The “exemptions” for Law Enforcement Officers applies only to section 9.41.250(1)(a) regarding knives. The “exemption” does NOT apply to silencers addressed in 9.41.250(1)(c).

If a Law Enforcement Officer is training with suppressors they are in violation of 9.41.250(1)(c) and are “guilty of a gross misdemeanor punishable under chapter 9A.20 RCW.”

I hope you can help me in supporting this bill and look forward to hearing from you.

A few years ago Senator Hargrove (?) introduced a bill like this. I wrote to each of the Judiciary members (except the sponsor) but never received a reply. It died in committee.


Please PM with anything else weapons related for WA. I'm always willing to put my pencil to work for the greater good of WA (Whether they believe it or not)
Update; I have written quite a few emails and placed a few calls regarding this. I just got this in my email today; Keep it going!

Thank you for including me in your e-mail to Rep. Ericks.. HB 1604 is currently a house bill. It has been sent to House Judiciary Committee, however, it has not been scheduled for a hearing. If it passes through House committees and a vote on the floor it will then move to the Senate. I will keep your thoughts in mind and watch for the debate if it arrives on the Senate floor. I always appreciate hearing from my neighbors in the first district. Thank you again for your thoughts!
Rosemary McAuliffe