WA State Alien Firearms License PT2

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No these are not for lasers and death rays, nor do they apply to my own personal death start, really its just a harmless space station, honestly.

The NRA and the SAF joined forces to get a court ordered in junction so that the DOL would start issuing Alien Firearms Licenses.

SAF, NRA Sue Washington State for Discriminating Against Alien Residents

The Second Amendment Foundation, joined by the National Rifle Association, today filed a lawsuit in federal court against the State of Washington, seeking to overturn a state law that discriminates against legal resident aliens who own firearms by violating their Second Amendment rights under the equal protections affirmed by the 14th Amendment.

Case #1 is done, we won. Judge ruled in favor of plaintiffs. signed the injunction TODAY.

DOL is to once again issue AFLs.

Case #2 goes to court in August, this will decide if LPRs will be dropped from AFL, in other words, WA State will NOT require a LPR to get the license just like the other 49 States, where you do not need this license at all.


If HB1052 makes it to the "gov" and she signs it into law, the same will apply, LPR do not need an AFL...

google: WA State HB 1052-2009 <-- all things are pointing to, this shall pass.

Anyway if you are a green card holder in WA State, get a copy of the AFL application and fill it out ASAP if you want a license... there's a good chance you'll get it PDQ !
Still not done here....lets fix this once and for all, just like every other state in the union of 50 :D

Form letter for green card holders in WA State

RE: HB 1052-2009 as sponsored by Representative Moeller et. Al.

Currently in Washington State, all Legal Permanent Resident Aliens, also known as "Green Card Holders" or “LPRs”, are required to obtain an Alien Firearms License from the Washington State Department of Licensing if they choose to own, borrow, rent or even as so much as hold a firearm, without fear of prosecution leading to deportation. This is in accordance to the current RCWs such as 9.41.070, 9.41.097, 9.41.0975, & 9.41.170 etc.

Amendment XIV, Section 1 of the United States Constitution states the following:

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

In the remaining 49 States of the Union, LPRs are not subject to any such licensing. In the case of compulsory licensing for LPRs who reside in Washington State; it appears quite clearly that Washington State is, at present, in violation of the 14th amendment rights of all Legal Permanent Residents.

Washington State HB 1052-2009 has been proposed to eliminate the current discriminatory situation against LPRs. The laws affected and or modified by the passing of HB1052-2009 do not affect the mandatory licensing for Non-Immigrant Aliens; therefore the amended law(s) would not be in direct contradiction of Federal Laws.

As a Legal Permanent Resident who currently resides in Washington State, and is directly affected by the current RCWs, I would hope that you would be in favor of amending such discriminatory laws by supporting the immediate passing of HB1052-2009.

Thank you for the honor of your time.

Form letter for WA State US citizens that know about 1052 or have friends or spouses that are affected, change acquaintance to husband, or wife...

RE: HB 1052-2009 as sponsored by Representative Moeller et. Al.

Currently in Washington State, all Legal Permanent Resident Aliens, also known as "Green Card Holders" or “LPRs”, are required to obtain an Alien Firearms License from the Washington State Department of Licensing if they choose to own, borrow, rent or even as so much as hold a firearm, without fear of prosecution leading to deportation. This is in accordance to the current RCWs such as 9.41.070, 9.41.097, 9.41.0975, & 9.41.170 etc.

Amendment XIV, Section 1 of the United States Constitution states the following:

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

In the remaining 49 States of the Union, LPRs are not subject to any such licensing. In the case of compulsory licensing for LPRs who reside in Washington State; it appears quite clearly that Washington State is, at present, in violation of the 14th amendment rights of all Legal Permanent Residents.

Washington State HB 1052-2009 has been proposed to eliminate the current discriminatory situation against LPRs. The laws affected and or modified by the passing of HB1052-2009 do not affect the mandatory licensing for Non-Immigrant Aliens; therefore the amended law(s) would not be in direct contradiction of Federal Laws.

As an acquaintance of a Legal Permanent Resident who currently resides in Washington State, that is directly affected by the current RCWs, I would hope that you would be in favor of amending such discriminatory laws by supporting the immediate passing of HB1052-2009.

Thank you for the honor of your time.

And for our staring cast members

Rules Committee
























Okay, trial 1 went well, we can apply for an AFL now...

Trial 2 takes on the constitutionality of the law..

Also we still need to support HB1052-2009, if the House Bill gets passed first, then the trial will probably not happen, either way we have a two front assault on the law.

Below is the info for trial #2

UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE United States District Court for the Western District of Washington

Case No.: 2:08−cv−01613−RSM

National Rifle Association of America, Inc, et al.
Judge Ricardo S Martinez
Liz Luce, et al.

TRIAL DATE September 14, 2009 at 09:00 AM

Deadline for joining additional parties 02/20/2009

Reports from expert witnesses under FRCP 26(a)(2) due 03/18/2009

All motions related to discovery must be filed by and noted on the motion calendar no later than the third Friday thereafter (see CR7(d)) 04/17/2009

Discovery completed by 05/18/2009

All dispositive motions must be filed by and noted on the motion calendar no later than the fourth Friday thereafter (see CR 7(d)) 06/16/2009

Mediation per CR 39.1(c)(3) held no later than 07/31/2009

All motions in limine must be filed by and noted on the motion calendar no later than the second Friday thereafter 08/17/2009

Agreed pretrial order due 09/02/2009

Pretrial conference [to be scheduled by the Court]

Trial briefs, proposed voir dire questions, proposed jury instructions, and trial exhibits due 09/09/2009

Length of Non−Jury Trial: 2 days

These dates are set at the direction of the Court after reviewing the joint status report and discovery plan submitted by the parties. All other dates are specified in the Local Civil Rules. If any of the dates identified in this Order or the Local Civil Rules fall on a weekend or federal holiday, the act or event shall be performed on the next business day. These are firm dates that can be changed only by order of the Court, not by agreement of counsel or the parties. The Court will alter these dates only upon good cause shown: failure to complete discovery within the time allowed is not recognized as good cause. If the trial date assigned to this matter creates an irreconcilable conflict, counsel must notify the Deputy Clerk, Lowell Williams or Laurie Cuaresma, in writing within 10 days of the date of this Order and must set forth the exact nature of the conflict. A failure to do so will be deemed a waiver. Counsel must be prepared to begin trial on the date scheduled, but it should be understood that the trial may have to await the completion of other cases.

As required by CR 37(a), all discovery matters are to be resolved by agreement if possible. Counsel are further directed to cooperate in preparing the final pretrial order in the format required by CR 16.1, except as ordered below.

The original and one copy of the trial exhibits are to be delivered to chambers five days before the trial date. Each exhibit shall be clearly marked. Exhibit tags are available in the Clerk’s Office. The Court hereby alters the CR 16.1 procedure for numbering exhibits: plaintiff’s exhibits shall be numbered consecutively beginning with 1; defendant’s exhibits shall be numbered consecutively beginning with the next number not used by plaintiff.

Duplicate documents shall not be listed twice: once a party has identified an exhibit in the pretrial order, any party may use it. Each set of exhibits shall be submitted in a three−ring binder with appropriately numbered tabs.

Should this case settle, counsel shall notify Lowell Williams or Laurie Cuaresma as soon as possible at 206−370−8521. Pursuant to GR 3(b), an attorney who fails to give the Deputy Clerk prompt notice of settlement may be subject to such discipline as the Court deems appropriate.

DATED: January 30, 2009
/s Ricardo S. Martinez United States District Judge

Case 2:08-cv-01613-RSM Document 33 Filed 01/30/2009

HB1052-2009 is moving like a freight train, I hope it doesn't hit a brick wall.


Feb 10 Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on General Government Appropriations at 8:00 AM. (Subject to change)

Please email the following and ask that they support HB1052-2009


Keep it simple

Currently in Washington State, all Legal Permanent Resident Aliens, also known as "Green Card Holders" or “LPRs”, are required to obtain an Alien Firearms License from the Washington State Department of Licensing if they choose to own, borrow, rent or even as so much as hold a firearm, without fear of prosecution leading to deportation. This is in accordance to the current RCWs such as 9.41.070, 9.41.097, 9.41.0975, & 9.41.170 etc.

Washington State HB 1052-2009 has been proposed to eliminate the current discriminatory situation against LPRs – NOTE; not illegal or non-immigrant Aliens, and thus will not be in direct contradiction of the Constitution nor existing Federal Laws.

As an acquaintance of a Legal Permanent Resident who currently resides in Washington State, that is directly affected by the current RCWs, I trust that you will be in favor of ending such discrimination by supporting the immediate passing of HB1052-2009.

Thank you for your consideration of this matter and for your full support.

Yours sincerely;
Dec 30 Prefiled for introduction.
Jan 12 First reading, referred to Judiciary. (View Original Bill)
Jan 15 Public hearing in the House Committee on Judiciary at 10:00 AM.
Jan 29 Executive action taken in the House Committee on Judiciary at 10:00 AM.
JUDI - Executive action taken by committee.
JUDI - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. (View 1st Substitute)
Feb 2 Referred to General Government Appropriations.
Feb 10 Public hearing in the House Committee on General Government Appropriations at 8:00 AM.
Feb 17 Executive action taken in the House Committee on General Government Appropriations at 8:00 AM.
APPG - Executive action taken by committee.
APPG - Majority; 2nd substitute bill be substituted, do pass. (View 2nd Substitute)
Feb 19 Passed to Rules Committee for second reading.
Feb 26 Placed on second reading by Rules Committee.
Mar 3 2nd substitute bill substituted (APPG 09). (View 2nd Substitute)
Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading.
Third reading, passed; yeas, 97; nays, 0; absent, 0; excused, 0. (View Roll Calls)

All are in favor of passing the bill, this is now going to the State Senate.

Please contact everyone on the State Senate Floor.. lets push this HARD !

Just received this in an email:

This year we were successful.

All we need is the House and Senates’ President’s signatures and the governor.

Apr 16 - House concurred in Senate amendments.
Passed final passage; yeas, 97; nays, 0; absent, 0; excused, 1.

Second Substitute
http://apps.leg.wa.gov/documents/billdocs/2009-10/Pdf/Bill Reports/House/1052-S2 HBR SA 09.pdf

Lets hope they have their pens handy and at the ready... then in 90 days, no more AFL for LPR's
Now this is going to cause me big problems....for years I have told my Thai wife she cannot move, clean, relocate anything doing with my guns, or they would deport her.....:mad:

If she reads this, then my den sanctuary is going to be just a clean as the rest of our house :(
**** Here is what we were looking for ****

Apr 25 JUD - Majority; without recommendation.
Governor signed.

HB1052-2009-10 is a done deal!

90 days after signing, this is law - Green Card holders no longer need an AFL :D

Right before the next NRA lawsuit it seems...
:D Forgot to update...

LPR's no longer need that funny piece of paper, what's it called again...

Oh yeah

WA State Alien Firearms License...

Now LPR's in WA are just like LPR's in 49 other States....

Thank you MD Willington

For your dedication to keeping us all informed on the status of this issue. It is good to see that it has finally come to pass that legal challenges and legislative action have corrected the discrimination faced by LPRs.

This is proof that our system does work, and that even though flawed, it can be used to correct itself.

Since the law has passed, I believe we can close this thread. Congratulations on a job well done, MD.
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