WA Silencer Bill 1016 Senate hearing 3/9/11.


There is a Senate Judiciary hearing for bill 1016 at the O'Brien building on Wednesday at 1:30 pm. It appears that Senate bill 5112 is not going to get out of the Rules committee, so House bill 1016 will resume its normal course out of the House (where it passed 88 to 4) and into the Senate Judiciary committee then the Rules committee.

Just as with the last two Judiciary hearings in the Senate and House weeks ago, we need to be present to show our support and speak at the hearing, especially if anyone shows up to oppose the bill.

We really need industry representatives to tell the Senate how unfair the current statute is as it does not allow FFL/SOT class 2's to test the silencers they make. Only one industry representative showed for the last two hearings; this is totally unsatisfactory. If you have the ear of any silencer manufacturers, let them know they need to be at the hearing.

I will see if I can get some time off, but it is very last minute. Are you going to be there Randy?
I can probably make it to this. As long as it is up early I can stay but I would have to leave no latter than 3 for work.

My Form 4 goes in the mail today when I wake up.
I got leave for tomorrow. I plan on staying until after the hearing and speaking to Kline. If there is any opposition to the bill, he will probably know about it.

http://www.tvw.org/media/mediaplayer.cfm?evid=2011031049&TYPE=V&CFID=2428502&CFTOKEN=50085630&bhcp=1 Bill 1016 was referred out of committee with a "do pass" recommendation. Next stop is the Rules committee. http://www.leg.wa.gov/Senate/Committees/RULE/Pages/MembersStaff.aspx Call and write them often. Start with with Democrats as they have the most influance over which bills to pull. Brown is a good one to call. Shoesler was a bill 5112 sponsor, so he is a good one to bother also.

I did not talk to Kline after the hearing.
