W. W. Greener


I have an old W. W. Greener 10ga side by side that I have been trying for years to get info on. I know it has been in our family for better than 100 years. Graham Greener from the Greener family has been in contact with me but wasn't able confirm too much about it. He agrees it is a genuine Greener but can't confirm a model name.

I'd really like to find someone with the same gun who either knows something about it or at least can show me this was a common gun. I find it strange to own something yet the manufacturer knows nothing about it!!


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Lacking a Greener Crossbolt, it might predate 1873 when that system was designed. Or not, Greener did not make 100% Treble Wedge-Fast guns even while he had the patent.
I had one that I believe was identical to yours. Mine was a 10 gauge. Same markings and designs. Mine was in pretty poor shape - loose barrel, missing the butt plate, one hammer broken, cracked wrist, etc. It came in a collection of guns that I purchased about 1967 or so that included a number of old S X S shotguns in various stages of disrepair. I didn't have too much interest in them and I ended up selling them off as "wall hangers".

I'll be interested to follow this and see what someone comes up with on it. Your shotgun looks like it is is pretty decent shape for the age of it. It's nice to have something like that - something that's been in the family. I hope you'll keep it there and pass it on to the next generation

I wish I could give you some information but I don't know much about it other than mine was pretty much identical to the one you have. Good luck to you and hopefully you'll be able to find out more about it. :)
I shot this gun for the first time 57 years ago at the age of 6. Quite a funny story even though there was a bit of poor judgement that day. It was opening day of duck/goose season but it was more like a great day to be at the beach swimming. My grandfather who owned the gun at the time and one of his best friends took me along. They had a small cooler with a few beers and some soda for me and as the day wore on things got sort of boring. My grandfather's friend suggested letting me shoot at empty beer bottles tossed in the air! If they weren't hit they would hit the water to be tossed again. After 3 unsuccessful shots the friend suggested I pull back both hammers and when I shot the next bottle I should pull BOTH triggers!!! Well I did and I hit the bottle and went flat on my butt with a huge smile on my face. When we got home I proudly showed my grandmother my bruised shoulder and I think my grandfather slept on the sofa that night. We were using light load Canuck brand shells which I still have a box and a few but don't want to shoot the gun any more.
You must read W. W. Greener's The Gun and its Development. It's an excellent read and he discusses the evolution of gun designs.
Soupy - you and I are about the same age . . . when I was a kid, we did a lot of pheasant and duck hunting as well. I started out with a .410 but soon graduated to an old N.R. Davis double 16 - it brought down a lot of pheasants and ducks as well as rabbits.

When hunting with the neighbor one time (they had an excellent English Setter that was a great "bird dog") . . . the father of the neighbor kids let me use his double 12 gauge. (I can't remember the make but a fairly plain model). I was walking along the edge of a corn field we were driving for birds when one went up and flew across my path - away from the field where the others were. I pulled that 12 gauge up and let 'er fly - I wasn't used to the triggers though and ended up setting both of them off. It didn't knock me down but it was close and I felt like I was on the end of a 75mm cannon. I got a clean kill on the pheasant - by why wouldn't I? After all, there was twice as much lead shot flying at it! My shoulder was sore for a week but I had learned a valuable lesson in regards to double barrels! :roll eyes:

What's nice is that you not only have the shotgun . . . but the memories as well. You just can't put a price on those things . . . . :)