Bud Helms

Senior Member
To Violence Policy Center Action Network Members:

Yesterday, Violence Policy Center Legislative Director Kristen Rand testified before the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security of the U.S. House of Representatives on the importance of maintaining the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' (ATF) authority to oversee Federal Firearms License holders (FFLs). To read Kristen's testimony, click here: http://www.vpc.org/graphics/Dealerhearing2006.pdf. In her testimony, Kristen cited data from the VPC's most recent study "An Analysis of the Decline in Gun Dealers: 1994 to 2005." To view the study, click here: http://www.vpc.org/studies/dealers.pdf. The Subcommittee also heard from New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg on the need for local officials and law enforcement to have access to crime-gun tracing data collected by ATF. The Mayor testified in opposition to legislation, H.R. 5005 (to read the bill, click here: http://www.vpc.org/graphics/HR5005.pdf), to permanently prohibit the release of such data and to repeal the current requirement that gun dealers report multiple handgun sales to local law enforcement agencies. Here is a link to a news story on Mayor Bloomberg's testimony: http://www.nydailynews.com/front/story/403980p-342097c.html.

To counter the gun lobby's ongoing efforts to keep crime gun tracing information secret, New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez (D) and Representative Steve Rothman (D) introduced legislation--S. 2460 and H.R. 5033--to allow public access to this important information, which contains a wealth of data about the sources and types of types of guns preferred by criminals. Here is a news story on the bills: http://www.newsday.com/news/local/w...27,0,1108499.story?coll=ny-region-apnewjersey.

Please take the time to call your Senators and Representative at 202-224-3121 and urge them to CO-SPONSOR S. 2460 and H.R. 5033 and to OPPOSE efforts to restrict public access to crime-gun tracing information.

Thank you, as always, for your time and energy to help stop gun violence.

To learn more about the VPC, please visit www.vpc.org.


As you might have noticed, if you saw the hearings, Ms. Rand went on, at some length, over how at one time, there were more FFL's, that gasoline stations in this country. That was prior to the Clinton Administration's War On FFL's.

Interestingly, while she repeated this, there might also have been more dry goods stores than gas stations at one time too, listeners/viewers were left wondering as to what her point was. She never did get around to explaining exactly what was problematic about the situation, tough one might assume that it would have been upsetting to avowed anti gun apparachnicks such as she.

If she was hinting at allegations that these dealers or a significant portion thereof were operating in violation of the law, that would be an unsubstantiated claim, an unproven claim.

For those who might want to see/hear the hearings themselves and or specific testimony, same is available at jpfo.org
mfree asked:

Isn't there some way we can get them busted for lying in front of Congress?


In the legal sense of the term, I doubt that her statements would amount to "lying under oath".

Also, the prosecution would have to prove that she lied, while under oath. Given my understanding/hearing of her testimony, which I might listen to again, you can also via jpfo.org, I doubt that a case for charges of PERJURY could be made, or that they would stand up.

Then there is a question concerning whether or not the Dept. of Justice would be willing to proceed, starting with going before a federal grand jury, seeking an indictment.

Possibly, some dealers organization might possibly bring an action against this woman for defamation, however I believe that that would be one hell of a stretch. In any case, that would be a matter for the civil, not criminal courts. I doubt that such an action would get very far at all, though I'm not a lawyer.
where are all these federal grand jury's pulled from? Are people living in washington dc prone to getting thousands of jury duty requests? Wonder how one goes about getting called onto a federal grand jury investigating someone like scooter libby. Are they composed of regular joes? I know it's off subject but I thought might be worth knowing nonetheless.
I noticed she mentioned the ATF needs more funding to spy on American's. Keep voting for tax cuts! This hurts the anti gun lobby, as well as BATFE. Our politicians need our money to make laws against us, and to sick BATFE on America.
The anti-gun people don't always lie they mostly use the half truth. Not a lie but surely not the whole truth. They are able to do this with the use of statistics that they conveniently interpret. Ever notice how gang bangers get included in the tally of children killed by firearms violence! VPC...geez!:barf: