VP Joe Bidens tactical shotgun techniques

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Joe Biden is the proud owner of a shotgun. He told his wife that if she ever felt scared, that if there was a threat outside, to go to the balcony and fire off a few rounds from the shotgun. I respect our politicians very much and so I listen carefully to their sage advice. Afterall they have a lot more experience with the law then I do. They are the ones who created it.

Should I train my family to fire warning shots into the air any time they feel they are in danger per Bidens suggestions? Besides the legality of this issue, is it sound advice from a purely tactical standpoint. If there are 3 hostile people outside your door would they turn and run once you fired off your shotgun? What about safety? Is it safe to fire warning shots into the air from a balcony?
I can't think of any situation where warning shots are justified.

If you'll remember some one took Uncle Joe's advise and dumped a couple rounds through his door when he had prowlers.

He was arrested for reckless discharge of a firearm. This was VA I believe.

As to his advise on the shotgun. Just his comment was made I was asked about it in my Ladies Self Defense Class.

To answer I brought in a shot gun and rifle (AR) and had them shoot it to make up their own mind.

Every one found the rifle was easier to use. I'll admit it was the recoil of the shot gun they found objectionable. Non-of the ladies had fired an AR before this occasion. It tool less then a minute to shoot them how to put the magazine in, use the safety and get the rifle into battery.

I don't recommend any type of firearm, I believe in providing as many types as possible and letting the shooter decide what is best for them in their situation. For my ladies class, none thought the shotgun was for them.
Whenever I feel scared, I go outside and blast off a few shells into the air. It's not gonna stop anyone, but it's great stress relief.
I believe that's what Joe Biden was referring to, since engaging and stopping hostile intruders is something that we should always leave to the police.

I really hope the OP is being sarcastic. A geako45 moment? Please?

As for Bindens oh so brilliant HD advice, well, let's just say I feel bad for the SS agents who are covering his home if Mrs. Binden feels the need to disperse prowlers. She's not gonna be happy either, with the broken coller bone she's likely to get, since I highly doubt anyone taught her to correctly shoulder that shotgun (hey! Maybe Obama taught her on the skeet range!)

If I was conspercy minded, I'd say he advised such highly illigal home defence methods in order to send anyone dumb enough to listin to him to jail. However, I just don't think he's that smart. One must be intellegent to be diabolical, and our dear VP just doesn't have what it takes.

Never take practical advise from people in La La land. It doesn't work the way their sheltered minds think it does.
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