VOTE! It's not a choice this time.


New member
If any election will dictate the outcome of our gun rights, it will be this one. Having AlGore as president would be bad enough. But he would, in all probability, have the opportunity to select 3-4 Supreme Court justices. If that happens, we will not have the chance to take a gun case to a conservative court.

It is important that everyone of us vote this November and get our friends and neighbors to vote. We can't just sit back and let things happen. We have to make them happen OUR way. The alternative would most likely be to have your guns defined as "dangerous weapons" that need to be removed from society..."for the children". At the very least it will mean re-registration of ALL of you guns with expensive fees to do so. If you want to exercise your Second Amendment, you'll have to pay.

It will be a lot easier to prevent AlGore from becoming Prez than it will to fight all of his anti-gun rules that are sure to come.
