If you scrutinize this legislation, it basically allows the State of Florida to closely regulate ALL types of firearms------not just assault weapons. The thing that scares me the most is that many Northern and East Coast socialist retirees have come to Florida after voting for the infringements on our Second Amendment rights in the States where they spent their working years. They ruined the places where they came from and now they want to spread the misery in equal proportions down South not content with the Liberty that abounds already. Add to that the number of Florida Welfare parasites that are guaranteed to vote Democratic to sustain their existence and we may have problems on our hands. The true, native Floridians will hold to their Southern Heritage and vote against the despots and their repressive actions. I could not help but notice that some of authors of this abomination have Jewish surnames. Can somebody tell me why these people are so trusting of government after all they have been through? I have two Uncles by marriage if Jewish ancestoral origins and I can assure you that both of them are armed to the teeth and strong purveyors of the Second Amendment. In fact, they are resposible for my penchant for guns. I guess the difference is both of these fine gentleman had relatives who perished in the Holocaust. Maybye the liberal Jews like Feinstein and Schummer have lost touch with what happened in the 30's and 40's. If this heresy becomes law in Florida, the worst is yet to come for Freedom in America. California does'nt bother me much-------I epxect such idiocy but the Deep South is another stroy altogether.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
Can somebody tell me why these people are so trusting of government after all they have been through?

Aaron Zelman of JPFO calls it the "victim mentality."

Maybye the liberal Jews like Feinstein and Schummer have lost touch with what happened in the 30's and 40's.

It's not that they've lost touch; they've convinced themselves that "It Can't Happen Here."

I don't care if someone else wants to be marched into the camp. I just don't want them dragging me along with them.

BTW, BOT, I voted "no."

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called into question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
according to the wording of this proposed law, my semi auto Vepr (which the Federal government OKed for sale) is an assault rifle

funny thing, on the box it is labeled Hunting Rifle

Lets hope this law is not cloned to other States.

It is the most restrictive definition of an assault rifle yet

When will the NRA do something?

"Assault weapons are not for hunting, or target practice, or any kind of sport" Jenne said.

AR-15 = assault weapon?

AR-15 used heavily at Camp Perry.

Camp Perry = Target Shooting?

Jenne = WRONG!

Thank God I don't live in Broward county, and for all who do, I would vote against this.


Root Hog or Die Poor

[This message has been edited by swampgator (edited November 18, 1999).]
where did the survey go?
it has been replaced with:
Who will win the big
Total votes: 98
Doc, I think they got the point well enough that they needed to bury the results. :)

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called into question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
Broward county resident here. Quite a few NRA members in this little corner of Florida. I personally feel this has little hope of turning into much of anything. The anti's have already conceeded that it will be difficult to get the state legislature to back this up. As always, I continue to write my reps and senators...for whatever good it does.
Zeebrahead: It might be worth noting that the Florida legislature came relatively recently to the Right to Carry scene. One of the more vocal opponents in the legislature at that time was a representative from around Tampa/St. Pete. He was then a member of HCI. About two or three years after passage, he publicly renounced his HCI membership, and said that they were wrong about CHL and he had been wrong.

If there is any sort of public meeting, this is the sort of person to be invited to speak.
Posters to this string about an assault rifle ban ; WHEN YOU click on the url in the first
post ,it brings you to THE SUN -SENATINEL
WEB PAGE which has on the very bottom right,
all the way down at the very END, "the LINK"
to the MESSAGE BOARDS where you can post and
the assault rifle posts.I posted there under my real name Larry M.--2 days ago--and I voted in their poll , which was 63% pro-gun
last time I looked. They only ran it for one day--disappointing results for a liberal ,socialist gun grabber.

Ernest2,TFL &
Conn.CAN opp.

[This message has been edited by ernest2 (edited November 20, 1999).]