vote democratic if. your opinions please

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01. You want to lose your 2nd Amendment rights and lose your ability to defend yourself. “Without our 2nd Amendment rights we will be at the mercy of the government, remember what happened in Germany, Russia, China, Cambodia, Africa countries, etc”.

02. You want the government to control your life including what healthcare you may receive. And also that the ‘free cost’ would only be 110 billion per year. “You need to at least multiply this by 4 and because it is taxed it is not free”.

03. You agree that raising taxes is right even though lowering taxes got more money to the government and also redistribution of your money is ok.

04. You think killing babies ‘abortion including partial birth abortion’ is ok.

05. You believe marriage can be other than between a man and woman.

06. You think telling lies about your political opponents and destroying them is alright.

07. You want judges to change the constitution with their rulings.

08. You agree with them with attacking our military and calling them murderers, Kerry, Murtha, Reid, and other democrats.

09. You agree that the terrorists and democratic talking points should be the same and is for the good of the country.

10. You believe the lies that we in America are destroying the planet because of the global warming being caused by us. “Global warming is a ‘natural occurrence’ this has been proved.”

11. You are in agreement with the government controlling your life more and more and loosing our freedoms.
well these

02. You want the government to control your life
11. You are in agreement with the government controlling your life more and more and loosing our freedoms.

seem to be at odds with these
04. You think killing babies ‘abortion including partial birth abortion’ is ok.
05. You believe marriage can be other than between a man and woman.

So which one is it? You don't want government controlling your life or you want government stepping in and controlling the lives of gays and a woman's womb?

As for this:

06. You think telling lies about your political opponents and destroying them is alright.
Don't even begin to pretend that Democrats are the only ones guilty of that.
The OP is even more boring than accounting. :D Just razzin' ya, BA. If I had the brains to work the numbers, I'd probably be an accountant.
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