Vote.Com coming...


New member
Getting our point across to congress could get a big boost...




Political wizard Dick Morris is on the verge of launching an ambitious Internet project -- a
project that may soon cause a complete headache for workers on Capitol Hill.

Starting this week, Morris, along with his wife Eileen McGann, will throw the switch on
VOTE.COM -- a website designed to service millions of voters and their opinions on hot issues.

The project came together after Morris purchased the Internet domain "VOTE.COM" for $250,000,
the DRUDGE REPORT has learned -- a near record price paid for any web address in the Internet

Like everything he touches, Morris is bound to create complete controversy with the new site.

Each time someone casts a vote on VOTE.COM, an e-mail will be automatically be sent to the
voter's own Congressman and Senator. And if Morris attracts million of voters to his website,
The Hill could soon be flooded with opinion and rants like never before.

"I don't know how we can possible digest millions of votes here," said one concerned
congressional staffer. "He's going to spam the Hill!"

"If members of Congress consider communications from their own constituents to be worthless
spam, then they are pork!" Morris declared over the weekend.

"It's not a poll," Morris explains in describing VOTE.COM. "In a poll, the politician finds out
what you think behind your back by interviewing a small sample of your neighbors and then
doesn't tell you his findings. VOTE.COM will be a good set of lungs you can borrow to shout
whenever you want and make them listen!"

The first week of VOTE.COM will features votes on school vouchers, hate crimes covering gays
and lesbians, lawsuits against HMOs and handguns for 21ers.

Morris continues: "Each time you vote, your Congressman or Senator get an e-mail. They they get
the tallies. Then we tell you how they voted on the issue. Then we send you a report card right
before Election Day on the issues on which you voted to remember when they voted the opposite."

Morris and McGann have partnered with Dick Scruggs, the key anti-tobacco lawyer who is featured
as a good guy in the INSIDER, the 60 MINUTES movie.
Voted. I like this a lot, esp in light of the libertarian bent of internet folks! It's about time our voices were actually heard. Even if we lose every issue, at least we will feel as though our "votes" counted for something.
Morris is getting savaged, and rightly so. His first poll asks if "kids" under 21 should be banned from buying handguns. Oops, they already are. Plus he's using HCI's ploy of word games, i.e. 18-20-old "kids".

His site has potential, but I suspect, being a Beltway type, he will screw it up or use it to advance his own career at our expense.

Just to pass the time, I beat up on a guy named "radar", who sounded like a Troll to me ("If you're not hunting or fishing(?), you don't need guns." Son, when I fish, I use dynamite.)

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
this is good news for our side. If those on the hill pay attention to the numbers that come out of it as legit. Seems that on the net the pro-gunners out number the anti's even more than they do in real life. I encourage everyone to sign up and visit to cast your votes on a regular basis. At least until they figure out what is going on.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
I wrote this letter to Rush Limbough. Thought you guys might like to read it too.

Here it is...............

I had this same idea back in 1995 but due to being a poor man I was unable to see the idea through. will, undoubtedly, be used to tabulate the responses of people that visit the website. The raw information will or should be passed to the elected officials in the respondents home state. But ONLY in its raw form. The tabulation of data and an analysis of its results will be for sale to anyone willing to pay the price, be it a politician, a corporation, in short, anybody interested in the data. There are a lot of people willing to pay big bucks to find out where Americans stand on certain issues. The media could use it to tailor its programming to arrive a some outcome of change in the attitudes and opinions of Americans on any issue of importance to them. These are but a few examples of what could be done with the data.

This is only one of the ways that I was going to make money with this idea. If you think it through you can find many other ways to make money with the idea. I'm not surprised that he paid $250,000 for the URL.

One danger is that you can pose certain questions in certain ways to arrive at a desired outcome of response. There is the possibility that manipulation of data could send out a wrong message or the right message depending on the recipient of the data and weather or not Morris wishes to manipulate them in some way. Depends on how honest Dick Morris is as to weather or not the analysis of the data truly reflects the will of the American people.

Best Regards
Frank Haertlein

I even went to some venture capitalists in Los Angeles with the idea and they laughed at me.
Maybe we can stuff the ballot box in our favor. :)

[This message has been edited by Alan B (edited November 01, 1999).]
Hey! I voted "NO" on "Ban Handgun Sales to Kids Under 21?", but Vote.COM told my reps that I said "YES"!!!

Running about 78% to 22% Against now. I'm very ashamed of my district for being exactly on the national trend's rate. (Thought our guys would vote a little better than that! Must be the state Women's university in my district... :) )

Be careful with this thing-- it'll give some a nice fluffy feeling that they've actually accomplished something, when all they've done made one more form-letter email land on the desk of their congressperson. By all means vote on it, but send a real, honest-to-Gawd, PAPER letter, and sign it legibly, with "registered voter" underneath. I guaren-flipping-TEE you WILL get some kind of personal response.


Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

Count me as another who voted "NO" on ban handgun sales... And was happily informed that my elected reprehensibles were sent mail stating I'd voted "YES".
I sent a rude reply, now I have to write all those dirtbags and tell 'em its a bogus vote.

Which is what is, IMHO: A bogus set-up to cook the numbers at the source.
Remember where these geeks come from, it ain't the home of honesty and straight dealing!

The Bill of Rights, and the Golden Rule are enough for civilized behavior. The rest is window dressing. Shoot carefully, swifter...
Distrust that website because of caveats mentioned above.

That being said, I voted "No" anyway and got the usual canned response from a Demo that is retiring anyway.

Funny, he never answered my printed letters.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
Interesting... They got MY vote right! Are they randomly assigning the votes? Anyway, it would be just like Morris to put together a major scam to create the ILLUSION of support for gun control, just long enough to get some gun bill passed, and then blow it off as a software error

Sic semper tyranus!
Here's a flash...




The White House on Wednesday started blocking all incoming e-mails originating from a new
website produced by former Clinton adviser Dick Morris!

The White House has bounced back more than 20,000 e-mails from the new Morris site VOTE.COM
during the past 24 hours -- swamping computer servers on both ends, the DRUDGE REPORT has

Earlier this week, Morris, along with his wife Eileen McGann, threw the switch on VOTE.COM -- a
website designed to service millions of voters and their opinions on hot issues.

Each time someone casts a vote on VOTE.COM, an e-mail is automatically sent to the voter's own
congressman and senator -- and to the White House.

But early on Wednesday morning, officials at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue decided to pop Morris's
balloon and began blocking all e-mails coming from VOTE.COM!

"Our servers could not keep up with all of it," one White House insider told the DRUDGE REPORT.
"We are treating this as we treat any other vicious spamming."

"This from the most open administration of this century?" a furious source close to Morris
blasted late Wednesday night.

Morris, who has conducted hundreds of polls for Bill Clinton in the past 20 years, now finds
himself on the other side of the fire walls.

It is not clear if President Clinton has become personally aware of the developing web battle.

The President initially called VOTE.COM a "great idea" and told one adviser that he planned on
going to the site himself to try a few votes.

Morris has hit the Internet domain with more than 70,000 e-mails since the
website launched Sunday evening.

At no point did the flood disrupt e-mail service to White House staffers and officials,
according to sources. Executive Branch employees use a separate address -- -- for their
business and personal communications.

Well people sounds like the Beltway just told us, "Shut the hell up!! When we want your Opinion we'll give it to you!!!"

Did any of us really expect them to do anything else?
So, now the Voice of the People has become "vicious spamming".

The "bloody peasants" seem to think they run this country.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
This site is actually really cool. They apparently did forward my vote on that issue to my critters, because I got the standard reply email thanking me for my input from my one senate critter who does that routinely to emails. So the email from the site apparently shows the constituent's return addy info.