Volunteers Needed to Test a New Site

Jessica Wellman

New member
Happy New Year to all my friends.

We’ve been working really hard on a new site called Shooter’s Enrichment Program or SEP. Everything has been going well with the test runs on the “Contest” page until someone from AOL attempted to enter her answers.

For some unknown reason each time she tries to send her responses, I receive only a blank page. I would appreciate any help from posters on this forum to help us test the site. The questions are located under the “contest” section. Go down to the bottom of that page and hit “Enter.” You will then see the questions. Choose just one field of your choice and type in “Testing for Jessica,” so that I know which are tests and which are actual contest entries. I would appreciate any help I can get, especially from AOL users. Luckily, we have had a fairly good response and the answers were coming through to me with no errors, until this occurrence.

**If you are able to help us please note that you only need to hit the submit button once! The page does not yet lead you to any other page. It looks as if your answers have not gone through, but it has. I would also appreciate any comments that you may have on how to better improve the site. You can find my Email address or John McKenney’s, (Gunfounder), located at the address below.

Thanks in advance for all your help,
I gave it a try, but when I hit submit, it took me to my email program with a blank note addressed to you. This is not the usual method of delivering interactive data (and not very user friendly since most people usually wouldn't want an email copy of any contests they entered unless it is in acknowledgement form), so the lady who responded probably just hit send on her email page. This would explain the blank entry. Are you sure you want to use email? If you do, somehow you have to save the data in a file (real or virtual) and open that file with the email program.
Hi Mal,
Thanks so much for your help. You are right, the program I'm using, I have to open up answers by using Form Post.
If you or anyone else knows of any other programs offered on-line that are free, please let me know! This is my first web-site and any help I can get would be GREATLY appreciated.
Sorry Jessica, Unfortunately, I am a heavy user of internet sites, but not a designer. (Those that can - do, those that can't - manage. :) ) On second thought, that's probably fortunate, else my company would still be in the computer dark ages.

However, I know we have some very knowledgeable folks around here in that area. You might want to chat with Geri Weaver of Geared Up! She has a very nicely formatted contest each month and might be able to give you some pointers.

[This message has been edited by Mal H (edited January 03, 2000).]
Sent you an email in regards to what you can do to fix your website. Besides, what do you want all those lame people on AOL contacting you for... ;-) (JUST KIDDING, though they should get with the times and get a non-handicapped browser).

Peace through superior firepower...

If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."

Looked at your HTML and I think I see the problem.

You need to have a way to process the form. I use a script called formmail.cgi but there are others that will work.

Below is a copy of part of a form I use.....

<form action="../cgi-local/formmail.cgi" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="recipient" value="thefiringline@rccis.com">

Formmail processes the form in the first line and the second line has the email address to send the form to.

Ask your provider if they have a script to process your forms and send them via email to you. If not, then ask if you can upload your own scripts.

Hope this helps get you going in the right direction :)

I don't get to check in here that often so you can email me off list if needed.

Hello, If your web server supports asp pages I have one that will process html forms and e-mail them to you from the page. Just let me know if you want it.

"The sword is more important than the shield and skill is more important then either. The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental."