Voluntariness of the Income Tax part II

Futo Inu

New member
Before any of you TFL members consider actually buying into the paynoincometax scam, please do yourself a favor and email me first. I will give you free legal advice that can normally be quite expensive. I discussed this with another lawyer friend who has represented clients who tried the pay-no-income-tax crap for the better part of the last 20 years. Invariably, they either file chapter 13 bankruptcy, or lose their ass and everything attached to it. Plus the taxpayer who tries this becomes red flagged as a tax protestor for the rest of their lives (which will likely be cut short due to the stress of the IRS contstantly harassing them). The IRS typically will not do anything to you for 4-5 years after you start filing the tax returns claiming zero income, then they will have amassed a huge case against you for evasion, then boom, you lose everything and probably go to jail.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited September 09, 1999).]
Futo Inu,

Will you tell me then, that this concept is a crock as well...




"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

referal #2005932
Yes, it's all the same big crock. However, this guy in Denver's web site is more professional than the other one I've seen (though it's still BS - what the hell is a "summons case"?). I will look at the cases he cites and either expose him as a fraud or get on the bandwagon. Give me a few days here...

So you recommend giving in to the illegal extortion and just pay the thugs?

And when they pass 'laws' requiring everyone to quietly turn in their guns, should we just
quietly go along with that, too?
People as a CPA I can tell you from first hand experience that there has been no case wherein a person has escaped the Federal Income tax. If there was I would be one of the first to sign up. Unfortunately reality is far worse. The power of the IRS is almost unlimited. They have a whole lot of people to keep an eye on and may miss you for a few years, but eventually they will catch up to you.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
Just as a side note, I sent away for one of those courses to teach you how legally not pay IRS taxes. I read it about 5 times, and it kept comming back to one point. You do not have to pay taxes, provided you do not use any social programs. That is both state and federal. IF you take advantage of any social program you can not opt out. I looked at my life, and found I use many. The most obvious was the federal airway system. If you EVER fly in a plane, you use a social program.

The only way I figured I could get so I did not use any programs was to move up into the mountains and NEVER visit the city again.
I hear there's an empty cabin in Idaho, a place called Ruby Ridge... ;)

They're everywhere!