Vista Outdoors caves


New member
Saw this story recently and I'm pretty sure I haven't seen anything here about it, so thought I'd put it up for discussion. Long story short, Vista Outdoors is the parent company for several well-known firearms/ammunition/accessory companies, such as Savage Arms, Stevens, Federal Premium Ammunition, CCI, Bushnell, etc. Due to rising social media pressure, Vista Outdoors is considering selling off or even just dissolving Savage and Stevens Arms. At this time they are hoping that other companies will buy these two companies from them. Beyond the immediate parameters of the story and how this may affect the companies Outdoor Vista may divest itself of, I find this whole thing very frustrating. My question I guess is besides just refusing to do business with REI, et al, what, if anything, can we do to push back at this kind of pressure? I am posting a link to an Outdoor Life story, as it seems to be the least politically biased of the stories I've seen so far, but there are dozens of them out there on the interwebs.
Interesting story.

I was impressed they mentioned the tax on guns and ammo that supports wildlife management. (The Pittman-Robertson Act).

I was really impressed with the comments section. In my newspaper and most articles on line the comments quickly devolve into a "you are!"/"NO YOU ARE!!!" shouting matches with derogatory comments about people's personal habits.

The comments in this article are not too bad. Pro-gun folk are calmly refuting the claim "no one is coming for your guns" by pointing out all the folk that actually ARE trying to come for everybody's guns. They also answer claims that "the NRA won't even TALK about gun control" by mentioning the part the NRA played in the NICS.