Visiting Montana in mid Septermber , is there hunting there at that time ?

Metal god

New member
Good evening , first time poster in this sub forum .

Going to visit family for two weeks in September . Not sure exactly where they live but I'm flying into missoula so I assume somewhere close to that area .

Anyways , I've never hunted and have always wanted to give it a try . The fact this would be my first time means I'd like some guldens as to what to hunt . I'm a meat eater so dear or pig sounds good . I have a light weight 308 rifle to use and feel I could hit anything out to 200yds in any position except standing unsupported , that would need to be 100yds or less .

Down side is that I'm a big guy in not to good a shape . 6'3" at 275lbs and pushing fifty years old . I just can't lug this body around like I used to . I work in the construction field so I can and do move around and lift things all day every day meaning I don't have a sediment life style but at the same time I'm not in the kind of shape that could do a two or three day hike into the wilderness . I don't know maybe I could if it was not heavy terrain .

So what are the options for a chunky , kinda out of shape new hunter to hunt in Montana during the month of September ?

Also how would I go about getting a Lic or tag/s or what ever is needed ?

Thanks Metal
I was just looking at the hunting dates . I may be reading it wrong but it appears only bow hunting is aloud during the time I'll be there . can somebody confirm this ? thanks
That's what it means. During September if you want to hunt with a gun you're stuck with a variety of birds and prairie dogs are considered pests so you can shoot them without a license.
You may want to look into Montana non-resident hunting licence costs. A non-resident general deer(only) licence runs $602 with just 4600 available.
You must have proof of passing a Hunter's Safety course from anywhere. Bow hunting licence requires a National Bowhunter Education Foundation course too. Or any prior year’s bow hunting/archery stamp, tag, permit, or license from any state or province.
Missoula is in Region 2. Apparently, there is a great deal of UP in Region 2. It's not strength you need. It's stamina at altitude. And a non-resident usually requires a guide in most places. Suspect you may be too late to get any of that done before September.
Kinda silly for a flatlander who has never hunted before to suggest an expensive elk hunt. That involves mountain hunting, guides, horses, and a LOT of going up at altitude......

Grouse and partridge season opens Sept.1; otherwise trout fly dishing sounds like a great thing to do.
Yep , hunting does not seem to be in the cards . How ever i've fished my whole life so trout fishing sounds like a great idea . I figure we'll take a couple of my Nice shimano reels and some gear . Then buy a couple poles at walmart when we get there . No way am i checking my nice poles onto the plane .

Thanks for the help guys
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