Visiting Alaska with a gun


New member
I'm thinking about moving to Alaska within the year or so, and so far my research has alerted me to the fact that this is a far more (seemingly) daunting goal then I first believed!

First of all, I have planned on driving up after I finish with school. The drive is a little over three thousand miles, and apparently the trek itself is supposed to be quite the "adventure". That's alright with me. If flying/sailing, how would I go about bringing all my guns/ammo? I mean, Alaska is another STATE not another country.

I'm not sure how much a four year degree is worth up there, but I figure there has to be jobs in one of the bigger cities. I'll try to line this up closer to when I actually get ready to leave.

One question I do have though, is what about carrying a gun? It is a lot of miles on a lot of wilderness, and my state doesn't issue CCWs. Next week I'll apply for an out of state reciprocity CCW. I do have the appropriate firearms license for THIS state, however (if that matters). As far as I know, Alaska doesn't have any laws forbidding the carry (open or concealed?) of weapons apart from the normal places- courthouses, schools, government property, domestic abuse centers, etc etc etc...

I will probably make a few trips there to scout the route before I move all my crap (as well as figuring out exactly WHERE I'll settle). I've yahoo'd and googled the bejesus out of the subject, but I can't seem to find an EXACT answer to my questions.

Alaskan residents? Any? Can an out of stater pack a pistole?
You biggest hurdle is getting your guns to Alaska. if you drive your going to be go via Canada. Getting guns thru Canada is difficult and expensive.
Hmm....there is no highway that know, US territory to connect Alaska to the states? This is unbelievable! These Canadians, with their leafy red hats and unending "eh"'s, have CROSSED the line. They really must be stopped! :( Why do they hate our freedom so?

Okay, um. Unloaded...with my ludicrous amount of ammo seperate? C'mon, that even makes the nazi party of Illinois happy! And brings peace to the hearts of our gentle Californians!
I have been told, I have never got ito it that far. It is easier and cheaper to ship your guns to an FFL in Alaska and claim them when you get there than it is to transport them via Canada. It could very well be that some of your guns are a no-no up there. Depending on where you go in Alaska it might be better to take a car ferry up from Seattle.
Well, I lived on Oahu for two years when my dad was stationed at Hickam...but when WE went there, we took a 747. Guess that Trans-Pacific interstate wasn't built yet then ;).

I guess I just always supposed there would be an American route from one state to another when they're on the same continent. Maybe along the coastline or something. Obviously I'm totally out of line here, though. I know Canada has some rather draconian gun laws, so probably about 90% of my guns are illegal there.

Hmm, a boat from Seattle though....there's an idea...any info on that? I'll look into it, but has anyone ever done this? Gun considerations for this route? As a bonus, I'd also get to bring along a car, which is better than flying IMO, and renting.
I also have to agree that it would be better to take a car ferry from Seattle to Alaska. Not sure if they would even ask if you had guns in your car. The trip would be a lot easier for you and a lot cheaper then paying for the gas to drive through Canada and parts of Alaska to get to your final location.

As to where, well, I've only visited a few times so I couldn't say for sure. What is your degree going to be in?
If you know where you are going you can talk to the local post office and set up general delivery. Then you can mail the long guns to yourself (can't do this with pistols for some stupid reason). Gotta be careful though as general delivery is only good for 30 days. After that they would send your stuff back!
I just drove up from NJ this summer. Only took me 6 days. I could have done it sooner if not for a .22 beretta conversion kit i had in my trunk (considered a firearm in canada). My long guns were no problem. All you have to do is fill out a form and pay $25 i think it was. Just don't have ANY pistol parts. They searched my car and found the conversion kit (well i told them it was in there) and got all bitchy at me saying if they find anything else its years in jail and no more canada for like 7 years. Then they find some CDNNsports catalogs and they come in and say "can you explain why you have these" umm better then readers digest?

If you send up your pistols or guns i highly recommend 7.62 precision in Anchorage. Great guy to deal.
Well it is fairly settled, then. I'll be taking a ferry! I don't wish to deal with smelly cannucks (trying to be as horribly offensive here as possible, because somehow when it's about Canadians, its I find it funny). Besides, if simple sporting magazines are suspicious, I don't think they'll let me pass GO and collect my 200 bucks.

So...once I get to the great icey frontier, am I kosher to pack? I'm a non-resident, again...I can't tell from reading their laws. I know you CAN get a CCW issued there, but it isn't REQUIRED to carry open/concealed (I believe). It is for residents who travel to the lower 48 and wanna bring their little pistoleros and can thusly enjoy reciprocity.

Can I, huh, huh?
You may want to carefully check boat regs on firearms too...not sure but we just took a cruise to Alaska this summer and the cruise line was very, very clear that they would not allow guns. Could I have smuggled one aboard? I don't know but I didn't think it was worth the effort--my wife would have killed me if I had spoiled the trip. Don't know if the ferries are different but if I had to guess, I might guess that they aren't going to allow guns onboard either.
The car-ferry from Seattle is the best answer on bypassing Canada. Or fly direct from the lower 48 to Alaska, pack anything you want in luggage.

Once you're there it's "Vermont Carry": open or concealed, your choice. Three rules: don't pack while committing any crime, don't be a convicted felon, tell a cop the truth about your armed status if asked.

Oh, and don't pack anything Federally banned unless you have the tax stamps and such up-to-date.
Actually, you MUST inform the peace officer that you are armed, whether or not you have the permit. They used the term 'peace officer' so there is some ambiguity as to whether or not you have to inform anyone other than local police or state troopers. So you might get in trouble if you dont inform anyone that acts as a 'peace officer'. Wide net there.