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Viruses in JPEG

Unless there's a new version of vbulletin that checks uploaded images, there's not much we can do on that front.

As for linked images, there's absolutely nothing we can do.

There's a similar problem with firefox/mozilla.
must be coincidence that i found this thread as i just got a virus and im getting a ton of pop ups. can i get a program to kill the virus? if i keep booting up the computer will the virus get worse? this is my first experience with a virus. thanks.
You need to do some homework, I'm afraid. Get yo'sef edumacated!




Or do a search on McAffee. Both Norton and McAffee have good products, but I hear that McAffee gets a little carried away with emailing you once you are on their list.

It's not hard to avoid viruses, if you learn some simple precautions. Since a complete dissertation would be:

  • OT for TFL and
  • More than I have time for...

I'll leave you with these links and suggest you get busy reading!

BTW, you probably have a Trojan, not a virus. You also need to get edumacated about spyware!
BTW, you probably have a Trojan, not a virus. You also need to get edumacated about spyware!
Ad-aware from Lavasoft is decent for getting rid of most spryware. It won't clean virus or trojan infections though.


Their free version will clean up most spyware w/minimal user savy.

For virus and trojan removal:


They have a free on-line scanner.

Using both of these freebies should clean up things to the point where you can buy and install a good av program and a good spyware program. Neither of them are "blockers" which will prevent infections/spyware and/or pop-ups from hi-jacked sites being pushed down to your PC.
"... I hear that McAffee gets a little carried away with emailing you once you are on their list."

That's true and I like it. They aren't spam mailings (haven't gotten a one of them), they are new virus notices. I had Norton for quite a while and found it hard to keep up-to-date. McAfee has automated their update process to the state of the art. It is very easy to keep updated. I know that when a new virus is detected by the watch community, I will be asked to update very soon by McAfee. It is practically a one button update process - very simple and very little time is lost.

McAfee has caught a large number of virus laden emails since I installed it, and a lot of the virus' were new. There would have to some pretty good reason for me to change to another product at this point.
Actually, some experts recommend having BOTH, as one will catch some that the other doesn't, and vice versa.

I think good computing practices (like not using Outlook!) and either one will do ya. Norton's update is fully automated, too, but they don't do the email thing. Actuallly, the complaints I've heard centered around not being able to get OFF McAffee's email list. But that was a while ago - perhaps they've corrected that.

Ad-aware from Lavasoft is decent for getting rid of most spryware.

:confused: Spryware? Is that something to help old geezers get around easier?


Yeah, Ad-Aware's a good product. 'Course, if you don't use IE, most of that spyware is non-functional.

Hey, I forgot one good site for computer security - absolutely essential for those who have DSL, cable, or any other 'always on' connection, and a good idea even for dial-up users:


Lots of good reading and some very good tools.
"Spryware? Is that something to help old geezers get around easier?"
See how powerful subliminal messaging can be? I'm no doubt influenced by all those Viagra pop-ups,,err,,ummm,,,well,,you know what I mean :D

"'Course, if you don't use IE, most of that spyware is non-functional."
Pretty much..at least for the time being. Give em time though. IE is what 99.999% of the customers I deal with in "the real world" use, so I use it at home and at work.

RE: Gibson - I didn't know Gibson and Spinrite were still around! I used to use Spinrite quite a bit back in the old days of MFM and RLL drives. Good stuff. man oh man, talk about a memory flood. I spent many an hour with Drive Manager and Spinrite getting customers back up and running.
*sigh* Oh for simpler times.
http://www.majorgeeks.com is the best site on the web for getting help for what ails your computer, they post the latest updates for anti-virus programs, they post the latest WIN xx updates and alerts, they do evaluations of new software to see if it has spyware embedded in it, they have links to the newest freeware, shareware, and payware. It is an all-around great site if you are loking for something or just need HELLLLLLLLP!!!!
Here is a link to download a free virus detection software. I used it for about 2 years, never had a virus, it is free, or you can purchase a "better version"?.


I like Norton, it checks incoming mail, AND outgoing, so you will hopefully not infect other computers, it can be configured to check IM's, and microsoft products, that run VB scripts. If you get dowmload accelerator, it can automatically check downloaded files. It takes 2 to 4 button clicks to update, in a class I took, most people thought that Norton was more intuitive, but it is subjective, check and see if they have test versions, before you buy, or acquire. :D

Ps I am sorry Jim I basically posted a link to the software I think you meant, AVG, it is rated HOT, at major geeks. I do not like "paying for stuff" that was free before Bill Gates, or I could just record off the radio before. Go Newsgroups.
AVG is a good program especially for the price.

Last week I installed Adaware Spyware Blaster and SpayBot Search and Destroy.
Iwas trying to get rid of something called Virtumonde. It destabilized my comp and made it almost useless. It either came from one of the forum or my e-mail or a Firefox patch.

Don't know which one cured me but they were all free and my comp is well now
I get Norton now I get a reasonable price on it. I have never had a problem with spyware, or adware, I run a router, and Zonealarm, also at a good price. I need to get a router with SPI, mine only use NAT, not much protection, but with a cable modem, pretty good, I think DSL is a much better technology, but they only run 1.5 Mbits by me, and the cable runs 3.0 Mbits, I can download a 650MB cd in about 20 miutes to a 1/2 hour depending on cogestion.
Good stuff, I'd add "Winpatrol" as well, ueses all most no RAM, runs in the back ground, and if any exe. or execute files suddenly appear it barks and ask if you approve its being there. Free program download is at "Tucows".
Its a great place to find free software and betas, as well as Ad-aware se (free), Spybot, (free), and a host of firewall and anti-viruse progs.
Nortons my pick for the best, but you gotta pay every year. That or you can get a Mac. :eek:
I'm a computer consultant

and I've used Norton AV for myself and my customers for years. Unfortunately, they seem to be "falling down on the job", lately. I've had several things get by Nortotn, even though all systems are using "Automatic Update feature". There's so much crap out there that I've had to go to multiple layers of defense...So in addition to Norton (which is still a good product), I do "online" (free) scans from a couple vendors, and even though all machines are "behind" a firewall/proxy (WinProxy), I've also added Sygate Personal Firewall (also free) to all machines (WARNING: this can be challenging if you're not too technical, as you have to know what to allow and not allow access to networks). Its a pisser that you have to go through all this, but its the only way I've been able to control the massive quantities of "stuff" that's out there.
D, I know enough to get me in trouble. I am a certified CNA for 4.11, and have built a few boxes. If I run linux, and load windows in VMware, and get a virus, will it matter? I did it for a little while, but I have never gotten a virus. It was with 98, cause I considered that crashware, and instead of rebooting, I could just shut the window, and open a new one. I just do not open e-mail from anybody I don't know, and especially if there is no subject line, it took a long time to make people understand that I can't memorise everybody's name, and the subject helps me to decide, who are where it is from, and if it is just a self propagating virus.