Virginians - restaurant ban and locked container bills

Mr. James

New member
From VCDL - time to write your 'critters:


Time is extremely short and we must act now to override Governor
Kaine's vetoes of SB 476 and SB 436!

I am seeing one furious email after another and we need to take that
energy and channel it into getting Kaine's vetoes overridden.

To send a prewritten email to your Senator, click here (copy and paste
into your browser if clicking doesn't work):

To send a prewritten email to your Delegate, click here (copy and
paste into your browser if clicking doesn't work):

You can edit the messages, if you wish, to customize them.


Also, you probably do NOT want patronize the Richbrau restaurant in
downtown Richmond. Pass the word to friends, family, and coworkers.

The owner is EXTREMELY anti-gun and was on the news again today saying
that he was glad that the Governor vetoed HB 476.

That same owner has been fighting against your rights year after year.

He loves to point out the bad affects of alcohol whenever the
restaurant ban repeal is discussed. But he clearly has no problem
serving plenty of booze to his customers before they get in their cars
and drive off.

So gun owners who don't drink alcohol are dangerous by just being in
close proximity to alcohol, but drivers who Richbrau serves alcohol to
are OK and are NOT dangerous?

Sounds like he might want to lay off the hard stuff himself.

You've got to be kidding me. Why the #%$ would he veto the bill with such support behind it? What the $#@ is his problem?