Virginians: Pro-Gun Bills need your help now!


New member
Virginians: Apparently the Military & Police committee meeting today didn't go well (no info available tonight) BUT they are in session again Saturday 10AM Feb 3. The following from Philip Van Cleave (VCDL):
Plan on attending the Militia & Police committee hearing at 10 AM Saturday. All of the gun bills, good and bad, including VCDLs Restaurant Ban Repeal and Reciprocity bill will be coming up. We need as much support as possible. Please attend if there is anyway you can. We will have "Guns Save Lives" badges for you to wear.

A report on what transpired in the committee hearing Monday will be broadcast on VA-ALERT sometime on Tuesday. I can say this much now, have our work cut out for us.
For location contact Philip at or Paul Moog at
