Virginia Republican Party Pledge


New member
As I understand it virginia republican party is requiring everyone who votes in the republican primary sign a pledge that states:

"I, the undersigned, pledge that I intend to support the nominee of the Republican Party for President."

I think this is pretty outrageous. They argue that its not a pledge to necessarily vote republican in the fall, but that you INTEND to. Well, i'm sorry, but i can't sign that pledge, because right now i do not INTEND to vote for guliani if he gets the nomination. Anyway, what do you all think.
Wacky beyond belief. Why don't they just tell everyone that they're they think voters are too untrustworthy to choose freely. It serves no useful purpose and divides and alienates the base. Crazy.
I believe you are misinterpreting the pledge...

They want to validate that you are voting in the primaries with the intention of choosing a presidential candidate that you want to elect president.

Basically you are promising that you are voting for someone you want to see elected President and will therefore vote for them should they become the Republican candidate. It isn't saying you promise to vote Republican, it is saying you promise you aren't voting in the republican primaries in order to benefit another party.
Virginia Republican pledge

I do not like or want to vote for Mr. Guilanni either. However, he is far better than anything that the Democrats offer. If you do not vote Republican in the general election next November then you are, by default, voting for the Democrat candidate. Do you want to give them a default vote? I sure don't!:eek::eek:
Nonsense, that's not what it says. Read the comments on their own site, NOBODY thinks it says what you think it says. You cannot possibly fail to see how counterproductive this is. If crossover is such a huge problem and you want it to say that then say, "I am not voting in a Republican primary for the purpose of benefiting another party's candidate for President." Not saying anything about who you intend to vote for, and if a Dem is going to be sleazy and crossover, why wouldn't they simply lie? It just irritates the Republican base.

I believe you are misinterpreting the pledge...

They want to validate that you are voting in the primaries with the intention of choosing a presidential candidate that you want to elect president.

Basically you are promising that you are voting for someone you want to see elected President and will therefore vote for them should they become the Republican candidate. It isn't saying you promise to vote Republican, it is saying you promise you aren't voting in the republican primaries in order to benefit another party.
I do not like or want to vote for Mr. Guilanni either. However, he is far better than anything that the Democrats offer. If you do not vote Republican in the general election next November then you are, by default, voting for the Democrat candidate. Do you want to give them a default vote? I sure don't!
There is very little difference between Giuliani and Hillary. Especially when it comes to guns. Even Ann Coulter on Fox News said that she was more in line with Hillary than with Giuliani. She may have been being facetious, but she was making a point.
From the website you linked:

"Simply a statement that you're participating in the Republican Primary in good faith. That when you walk into that voting booth in February, you're doing so with an intent to vote Republican in November."

It means exactly what I said it means. Not like it even matters... its not like they know who you vote for anyway. Of course that DOES mean people could lie.

Would you rather have closed primaries?
I respectfully disagree. Let's loook at that quote:

Simply a statement that you're participating in the Republican Primary in good faith. That when you walk into that voting booth in February, you're doing so with an intent to vote Republican in November.

I don't see anything in there about "with an intent to vote for the person you are electing in the primaries in November" All i see are references to "voting republican". To me, that means "republican - whoever that may be".

Here's another quote from Kenney:

"To participate in the Republican nomination method, you have to be willing to sign a statement of intent, which says that at the moment you participate in the process, it is your intent to support the eventual Republican nominee in that contest," Kenney said. -1

I don't see how this can mean anything other than "if you vote for candidate B, you intend to support candidate A if he wins, B if he wins, or C if he wins". Everything I have read supports this view, but in case i'm wrong (won't have been the first time :D) I emailed the VRP's political director. Hopefully he'll get back to me and that will clear things up.

1 -
When you walk into that booth in Feb. you DO intend to vote Republican in Nov... because you want your candidate to become president. However AFTER your candidate doesn't get the nomination, THEN you might not intend to vote Republican in Nov.

You are doing the same thing to that quote that antis do to the 2A.

It is merely a good faith pledge asking that only people who want a republican in office vote. That is why they use the word "intent". If you have no intention of voting for a republican, don't vote in their primaries.

Right now, I intend to vote for a republican.

When I vote in my primaries, I will still intend to vote for a republican

If the final candidate doesn't appeal to me at all and the democrats just happen to pull someone I agree with from thin air... then my intentions might change.
It isn't saying you promise to vote Republican, it is saying you promise you aren't voting in the republican primaries in order to benefit another party.

Well, umm, no, not really. If that's what it is saying, then it should, umm, well, SAY THAT. Not that you intend to support whomever is the R nominee.

Why not:

"I swear I am not voting in the R primary in order to benefit the candidate of another party."

"at the moment you participate in the process, it is your intent to support the eventual Republican nominee in that contest"

His other quote is also very clear about that.

AT THE MOMENT you participate, you intend to support the Republican nominee... at the moment you participate, you are also assuming the person you are voting for will be getting the nomination.
I intend to vote Republican as long as it isn't Giuliani the gun grabber. AFAIC he's worse than Hillary. Going to have to agree with Ann Coulter on that one even if she was only joking.
You guys can argue about this all you want... if you don't like it don't vote.

Just don't complain when its Hillary vs. Giuliani
To lighten things up... did anyone see Colbert talking about getting signatures to get on a ballot (I forget which)?

He was trying for all parties. A stipulation for the democratic party was the signatures had to be from people who "consider themselves to be a democrat".

So he said he would accept signatures from anyone who didn't have a bible, or a gun in their home... or a bible hollowed out to hold a gun.

made me lol
Depending on what the email says, i may not vote (if it confirms my suspicions).

And the people who have no right to complain when hillary is in office are the people high up who decided to alienate the independent base.

Anyway, revance, it's clear you and i disagree. . . hopefully my email will clear things up.

The thing i wonder about is if its to keep dems from cross voting, or keep independents from voting for guliani (or ron paul), or both.
I will agree to disagree, but I think its silly to abandon your vote over such nonsense. IMHO we need all the non-Guiliani votes we can get. If you really believe that is the intent of the thing, just lie... I can guarantee there will be plenty of democrats doing it.

Again, you could be in a state that has closed primaries, then you wouldn't even be allowed to vote if you weren't a registered republican.
Getting back to the OP, yes, it is outrageous to be forced to take a pledge in order to participate in the democratic process.
I do not like or want to vote for Mr. Guilanni either. However, he is far better than anything that the Democrats offer. If you do not vote Republican in the general election next November then you are, by default, voting for the Democrat candidate. Do you want to give them a default vote? I sure don't

Rudy Giuliani has done more real harm to our 2nd Amendment rights than any of the Democratic candidates. Democrat Bill Richadson has a better rating from the NRA.

Staying home if Giuliani is the nominee is not a vote for the Democratic Party candidate, and will have the long term benefit of showing the Republican Party leadership that they absolutely will not hold power in Washingon by adopting an anti-second amendment stance,

A vote for Giuliani is a vote for the Republican Party to become as anti-gun as the Democrats.
As to the Republican Party pledge, I see it as a means to discourage cross-party voting designed to spike a candidate's chances. I don't have a problem with it.